Thursday, March 31, 2011

Week 1 Recap

Week 1 has definitely been a rollercoaster of emotions!  It started out so frustrating and scary, then turned into Ryder adjusting very well to the cast and using Lefty more and more each day, and ended with the cast coming off in his sleep and having to get re-casted!  The cast is officially back on (it went on fast & easy, thank goodness) and I wouldn’t say we’re back at square one, but the frustration level was pretty high tonight.  Having the cast off for a day did give us a chance to see if Ryder would go straight back to just using Righty and we were all pretty surprised at how well he continued to incorporate Lefty.  I know we’re on the right path, I can’t believe it has only been a week, but at the end of this I know it will be worth it.

Week 1 Challenges:

  • Drinking
  • Eating
  • Coloring
  • Pincer Grasp
  • Turning hand face up

Week 1 Accomplishments:

  • Brushing Teeth
  • Waving goodbye
  • Turning pages in a book
  • Initiating with Lefty first


Brushing his teeth with Lefty


Bath time…trying to keep his cast from getting wet and Ryder playing in the water with Lefty.  If only he could flip that hand over!


Grumpy face!  Maybe he’s just mad because his new sword is blue and not green like he wanted!  (Even though I have to give Miss Abby credit for trying to get the green!)


  1. Bless his lil heart...Luckily you keep such a clean house!!! Poor lil thangs been eatin blueberries off the floor! I'm so proud of him for the effort he's puttin into all this...he's such a strong lil boy... and you two are such supportive parents! You're all SO VERY Blessed...My prayers are always with you TOP PRIORITY! I love you guys, If you need anything...You KNOW where to find Aunt B...I'm thinkin those people at Therapy need a special Aunt B "thank you" treat! Tell Ryder Aunt B needs to sign that sword AGAIN!!! My Gracious! No one can say you all don't have an exciting life, thats for SURE! *HUGS* Love to all, Aunt B

  2. He may have a grumpy face now but I promise you, he'll thank you later for this!! He's doing so well already, I'm so proud of him!!

  3. He is doing so great! Such a little trooper :)

  4. Glad the re-casting went well, he'll be readjusted and loving his blue sword again before you know it :). And even with a grumpy face, he's adorable!

  5. Such a strong little guy! He's just as adorable with that sword on! Glad everything is getting better!
