Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Notice Anything Missing??


Somehow Ryder’s little arm slid right out of his cast in the middle of the night!  I couldn’t believe when I went in to wake him up and saw the cast laying there and righty not inside of it.  Ryder was pretty shocked and the first thing he did was grabbed his blankie and intertwined his fingers through the holes then laid back down.  I’m sure that is what he has missed most about not having his fingers, he loves to wrap them up in his blankie.  The good news is that he said “we need to get a new GREEN sword!”  Luckily he has now changed that to “I need another blue sword on dis hand!” because I don’t think they come in green.  Hopefully he takes the casting and the first night without righty easier than last week…I guess we’ll find out tomorrow!


  1. that is too funny that it just slid right off! What a sweet little boy he is!

  2. That is just crazy that the sword slid right off!! Good luck on getting it back on!
