Wednesday, March 23, 2011

RIP Hummer

Well, I’m sad to say that Hummer didn’t make it!  Against all of our efforts to help Ryder’s first fish survive, he just didn’t make it.  Daddy was quick to go to the pet store to replace Hummer with…H2:


Hopefully he’ll take to his new environment better than Hummer did!  And just for the record, Ryder has no clue that Hummer has now become an H2…so lets just keep that between us, K?!


  1. aww, poor Hummer...hoping that H2 does better! :)

  2. Hoping for a better outcome with H2 - RIP H1!

  3. Poor fishy LOL! Lets hope this one lives and you dont have to get an H3 ;)

  4. When I saw the title I thought something happened to your truck! I love the new name :)

  5. Hummer is now in fishy heaven. That is classic that you are doing the replacement pet and hoping he doesnt notice. One day our kids are going to figure out all our tricks. ;)
