Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Weekend Away

This weekend Alan & I took some time out for ourselves and enjoyed a weekend away in Kent Island to celebrate our upcoming 3 yr wedding anniversary!  We did lots of shopping at the outlets, ate so much good food, and spent some nice, quality time together.  We had a great time and I’m so glad we’re lucky enough to have family that we know Ryder is safe with so that we can go out and enjoy time together every now and then. 

Friday before we left, Ryder had an appointment to pick up his Orthotics.  They are so cute and I’m really confident that they are going to help get his feet and legs straight.  He has a UCBL for his right foot and an SMO for his left foot:


I had read on other blogs how frustrating it is to find shoes that fit around your child’s orthotics, so I kind of knew what I was prepared for…but we could have renamed our shopping trip this weekend “Mommy & Daddy on a mission to find shoes, and not get frustrated!”  I see why all the other moms had such a hard time, it’s very frustrating!  But we finally settled on two pairs that hopefully will work for a little while atleast. 

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We know that Ryder’s foot fits in the Orthotic and that the Orthotic fits in the shoe (barely), so lets just hope that Ryder’s foot in the Orthotic fits in the shoe!


Another exciting purchase we made this weekend is Maisy’s bedding!!  Yaya gave us the money for the bedding as a gift, and I was so happy to be able to go buy it!  Now I’m really anxious to get her room together.


When we got to Yaya’s to pick Ryder up today it was a very sweet reunion.  He kept giving us hugs saying “hey mommy! hey daddy!” and then HAD to show us his room there, because….


He got a big boy bed at Yaya’s now too!!  My favorite part is definitely his shrine to Mommy on the headboard:


Mom said he insisted on bringing my pictures into his room, he kisses them all the time, and says “Dis when Mommy was little!”  Hahaha, oh to be that little again.

So we really enjoyed our weekend away, even though we spent most of it shopping for our children, talking about our children, calling to check on one and getting constant kicks & jabs from the other.  It’s so crazy how much life changes after kids, and we are loving every second of it.  Especially when we get to come home after a weekend away to a face like this:



  1. Oh my gosh, that's so funny that he had to bring your pictures in his room! What a sweet little Momma's boy :). Glad you guys had a good weekend and I can't WAIT to see Maisy laying in her crib with that adorable bedding!

  2. I'm glad your weekend get away was fun :) Maisy's bedding is SO cute, I love it!!! I love Ryder's big boy bed at YaYa's... and the pictures in there of you, priceless! Totally remember them!

  3. I love Maisy's bedding and Ryder's new shoes!! Glad you guys had a good weekend away =)

  4. Like I told you on the phone, I LOVEEE Ryder's new big boy bed at Yaya's :) Exactly what i have in mind for Carter! Glad you guys had a good time away!

  5. Glad you guys had a nice weekend away!!! LOVE the big boy bed!! :)

  6. I love the bedding and can't wait to see Maisy!
