Friday, March 25, 2011

26 Weeks!

Here is what Alpha Mom says about this week:

Your Baby:

  • Is almost two pounds. Celebrate this milestone with a two-pound box of chocolates. You know, in order to really get a good VISUAL.
  • Remember those early bubbly butterfly kicks? Yeah. Those have been replaced by something akin to a rabid mongoose flippin’ out inside a burlap sack.
  • If you DO occasionally feel smaller, rhythmic movements in your belly, it’s probably your baby hiccuping. Babies actually get hiccups from late in the first trimester on, but most women don’t pick on them the second trimester or later.
  • All five senses are fully developed. Whoa.


  • Are in the last and final week of the second trimester!
  • Of course, the end of the second trimester also marks the end of the so-called “honeymoon” phase of pregnancy, as the final three months can get awfully uncomfortable. Back and joint pain, swollen ankles, restless nights and Braxton-Hicks contractions, ahoy!
  • You’ll gain about 1/2 inch in belly/fundal size EVERY WEEK from this point on, oh mah gah. I guess I should stop being so smug about those pre-pregnancy lowrise jeans I’ve been wearing (with just a little help from my trusty rubber band).
  • The books say we’ve gained about 16-22 pounds, so long as we’ve been following a “nutritious and sensible diet plan.” Bite me, books.

This is sad, but I had to sit here and really think about what has happened with the pregnancy this week, as obviously my mind has been consumed with Ryder and his constraint therapy.  Luckily I have Alpha Mom to refresh my memory…and she is absolutely on point in that there are no more little movements!  This girl is moving around like crazy all.the.time!  Her movements are huge now and she has found some pretty sensitive internal organs to start kicking.  I don’t know what she’s kicking in there, but it is pretty uncomfortable.  But I don’t even want to complain, I ‘m so happy to have a healthy baby in there moving all of her limbs around, what a blessing that is!

I’ve been testing my sugars all week as requested by my doctor and they have been coming out good for the most part.  I’ve failed 2 numbers so far, but I also haven’t started the actual diet, so I think they’re coming out pretty good so far. 

Here’s to the last week of the 2nd trimester!

26 weeks (3)


  1. I just love that growing belly!
    Wow, one more week until you hit the final stretch.. I can't wait to meet this little girl of yours!!

  2. Last week of your second trimester! WHOO HOO!!! Moving right along... :) I can't wait to meet Maisy!!
