Wednesday, March 16, 2011

25 Weeks (almost)!

Okay so I’m a little early…but with all the Birthday festivities coming up, I didn’t want to forget to post!  Plus I had 2 doctor appointments today so I have lots to share :)  Here is what Alpha Mom says about this week:

Your Baby:

  • Weighs about 1 1/2 pounds and is 13 1/2 inches long.
  • Is growing more hair, with a distinctive color and texture and everything.


  • Have a uterus the size of a soccer ball.
  • Have probably noticed a decent increase in your belly size over the past few weeks — your fundal measurements (the length between your pubic bone and the top of your uterus) grew about an inch-and-a-half in the past four weeks alone.
  • May start experiencing uterine contractions soon, if you haven’t already.

I think I keep forgetting to note on here that I’ve been getting Braxton Hicks contractions for a while now, usually about 4-5 a day.  My stomach is still feeling very tight and heavy and is getting so big that things are getting extra hard to do.  Like carrying Ryder around, squatting down to pick something up, putting shoes and socks on, all that fun stuff.

Onto the appointments, the first one was another sonogram with the Perinatologist.  It looks like they’re just going to continue to send me every 4 weeks to check in on the baby girl and make sure she’s doing okay, which she is!  They say her insides look beautiful :)  I think her little face is the cutest thing and I’m enjoying all of these sneak peeks at her!  Today they looked a lot at her kidneys & brain specifically and said they both looked great.  I love leaving sonograms with good news!

When I got to the appointment with my Dr. he had already read the report from the Perinatologist and said that my fluid was a little high.  The highest they want it at this stage is an 8 and I was at an 8.3.  He also had my glucose test results; the highest your sugar can be to pass is a 140 and mine was a 131.  So yes, I passed!!  But because my fluid was high, and my stomach was measuring big, and I was borderline on my sugar, he wants me to start testing my blood sugars and bring him my numbers at my next appointment.  I also have to retake the glucose test prior to my next appointment in 4 weeks.  Darn!

I’m not really sure about the other blood work I had done, my Dr. said it all looked good except for the Protein S, so he’s sending the results to the Perinatologist to see if he wants to follow up on that or if it’s fine, so we’ll see!

As for our stats, Maisy’s heartrate was 147 and I gained 4 pounds, which brings me to a total gain of 8 pounds. 

Maisy was busy punching me while they were trying to take her picture, so her arms are kind of in the way, but here are a couple pictures anyway:

24 Weeks sono(4)

24 Weeks sono(7)

And here we are together:

25 Weeks (3)


  1. aww, she is so cute, she will be here before you know it!

  2. I love her pictures! She's so cute! And I secretly hate you for only gaining 8 lbs at 25 weeks! ;)

  3. I love Maisy's precious little face, so adorable!!! Only 8 pounds?! Dang girl, you go!!!

  4. She is soo cute! You look great! I can't wait to see the pretty girl :) Thank God she's doing great!

  5. Look at you, you are all belly :) So HAPPY you passed your test!!! Sucks that you have to take it again later, but you never know..maybe you'll pass again! Maisy is sooo precious!

  6. AWW there's her sweet little face all scrunched up =) happy to hear all is well!!

  7. I love those close up pictures!!! SOOOO sweet :) I love that belly too!! :)
