Thursday, March 3, 2011

Just Some Random Stuff

Ryder has had a few visitors come over to see his new big boy room, and each time I think it’s so cute how proud he is to show it off!  He actually invited Pap-Pap over today to see it, and then told Nana to “drive him over!”.  So, Nana & Pap-Pap (this is who watches Ryder during the day) made a special trip tonight to come see the room he has been going on and on about.  He wasted no time telling Nana to get in bed with him!


And using his power tools (actually it’s called a Saw-Zaw, just ask Ryder!) to cut Pap-Pap’s foot off!


And he made up a new game while they were over called “Ready, Set, Go” where he jumps off the bed and you better be there to catch him before he gets to Go!  Yikes!


When we took the crib apart the other day to get it out of Ryder’s room, we couldn’t help but laugh when we saw the bottom of it (remember the “fort”?).  He was seriously busy under there and had lots of help, obviously!


Speaking of being artistic, Ryder loves to color in the bathtub.  When I listen to what he’s coloring, because you know how he says every single thing he’s doing out loud, it’s always either someone’s name, or a clue off of Blue’s Clues.  On Blue’s Clue’s, they always describe how they draw stuff, so even though he’s just scribbling, he is saying “we draw a boy, wif eyes, nose, mouth, some hair, and some quiggly lines on his shirt”.


Speaking of the bath (wow this post is flowing a lot better than I thought it was going to!), he has been all about the bath tablets lately.  He loves having his water a different color, and mixing the different combinations to see what he will get.


During bath time, I always pile all of his hair on his head and admire his cute little features that are all hidden by his hair.  I mean, look at this handsome face!


A few people have told us since we named Maisy that there was some cartoon character named that.  Leave it to Yaya to go out and find it! 


I love seeing her name in writing, I think it is SO adorable.  Nicki had this blanket made for Maisy and just looking at it gives me butterflies wishing she was here so I could wrap her sweet self up in it and cuddle with her!


Okay, that’s all the randomness I have for one post. 


  1. Good post :) Love how Ryder loves his new bed/room! That's so great! And of course YaYa had to go find that character! Ryder's going to be such a great big brother with his little handsome self!

  2. How did we not know about this character named Maisy? That is so cute!! :) I love those bath pictures, he does have the sweetest face!!

  3. Aw I loved seeing Ryder with his hair up like that and seeing all his handsome litle features =) and that monogram blanket is adorable too - can't wait to see Maisy in it!!!

  4. I think he looks so much like you in the picture where his hair is piled up! And GREAT gift from Nicki!
