Monday, February 28, 2011

First Night = Success!

Ryder’s first night in his big boy room was very successful!  He seemed a little nervous when we first laid him down, but he went through the normal routine, asked Mommy to say prayers, asked Daddy to say prayers, asked me to turn his music on…said he couldn’t hear it and asked me to turn it up, then told me “Mommy’s not comin back in da big boy room!”  Little did he know, I totally would have gone back in there if he got upset, but I just agreed and walked out.  We never heard another peep out of him, which is strange for Ryder, usually he talks to himself and his animals for atleast 20 minutes.  I don’t know if he was scared or just exhausted, but he must have fallen right asleep.  Me on the other hand, I was wide awake, listening for the smallest little clue that he was terrified, suffocating, falling off the bed, climbing on the bed, up walking around, unplugging something and sticking his finger in a socket, touching his night light that might be hot…you know how I do!  Andddd, you know by now how Ryder does too.  He always transitions so easily, but it never stops me from worrying about every possible outcome.  He did wake up crying at 3:30, I went in and he asked me to rock him, so I did for 5 minutes, then laid him down and he went right back to sleep. 

Today when I picked him up, he was so excited to come home and go play in his big boy room!  It seems like everything he has been saying this evening has been so grown up.  Daddy asked him where one of his motorcycles was and his answer was “It maybe is probably in da kitchen!”  He told me “Ryder needs some socks to keep your feet warm.”  And he has been giving Beasley & Bubba instructions about his room, they sound like “Beezaawee, don’t eat da harwey davison big boy room!”  “Bubba no jumpin on da big boy bed!”  So not only did he sleep well in his big boy room, he also grew up, over night! 

Here is the video I took from when we first showed him his room yesterday morning, I don’t think he really knew what to think!:

Let’s hope night # 2 goes just as smoothly!


  1. OK OK... I'mma boob! Havin' just watched the video... *sittin here dryin my tears* I'm so happy you all are able to provide such a blessed life for your family! God Bless all of you!
    Aunt "B" loves you so much! ***HUGS***

  2. That video was so cute. I can't tell who was more excited though, Ryder or Alan. :) Hope night 2 went just as well!

  3. I'm not sure who is more excited - you and Alan or Ryder ;) lol. I can't wait to hear about night #2! It's so awesome that he adjusts so easily!

  4. Hope night #2 went great for you!!!! Ryder is so adorable!!!! I love how Alan kept saying "open the doors, open the doors" LOL, we get so excited to show our kids what we've gotten them or done for them!!!!

  5. I love how Ryder says "Harley Daviison!" LOL! Hope lastnight went good for you guys too!

  6. :*) That is such a cool moment to catch on video. lol, "I got a drill, and a hammer" I love how he knows exactly what all the tools are. I wanna come play!! <3

  7. Aww, that video is so sweet. I can't wait to see Mike with Chase when he gets older. Mike is going to be so excited to show him all his G.I. Joes. :)

  8. You are such a great mom! i love his new room and bed! All grown up over night!
