Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Meet Maisy!

20 week sono 3

Yes, we have officially named our baby girl!!  Her name is going to be Maisy Liza and we are already in love with her and her adorable name.  Maisy is a name I heard one day before I was even pregnant and when I mentioned it to Alan he immediately fell in love with it too.  When we found out we were pregnant, we just knew that if it was a girl this would be the name.  We asked Ryder early on if he liked it, and that’s what he has called this baby from the moment we mentioned it.  He will kiss my belly and say “mmmaaahhhh….I luzz you Maisy!” and when I get home he tells me “Mama take you coat off, Maisy is hot!” and if he finds anything baby related in his room or closet like a pacifier he will say “Mommy we save dis for Maisy??”.  My favorite is when he lifts my shirt up and says “WUSSS Maisy doin’ in dere???”  It’s like he knew from day 1 that this was a girl and she was going to be Maisy and they were going to be best friends.  Alan’s Moms middle name was Elizabeth so we decided to shorten that and use Liza for her middle name.  And yes, Ryder knows her middle name already too.  When he’s in the bathtub he likes to pretend like he’s writing people’s names with his tub crayons so he’ll be scribbling saying “MAISY LYYYYYZA”.  He is READY for her to get here!

And after seeing her sweetness at the sonogram today I am more than ready for her to get here too!!  I got to watch her in 3d/4d for a while and she was just sucking her thumb, being so cute.  She even gave us the #1 sign!

20 week sono 2

The appointment went good, she’s measuring right on target!  She weighs 14 ounces and her heartrate was 150bpm.  They did a blood flow study on her and the Doctor spent some time looking for all of the major artery’s that run through the brain.  He was able to locate all except for one, but didn’t seem concerned because he said it could have just been her position.  When I go back in 4 weeks they will look again.  He was able to review Ryder’s MRI report and confirmed that the stroke did happen in-utero, so based on that he wants me to start taking a baby aspirin a day.  Aspirin crosses the placenta and will thin her blood.  The chances of something similar happening to her are very slim, but I guess he just feels like it’s worth taking the extra precautions.  Fine with me, I’ll do anything I can to keep my sweet little Maisy safe!

20 week sono

You all know I was going to make sure I got a re-check, so just for peace of mind…she’s definitely still a GIRL!!  There’s nothing hanging between these legs and there are definitely the 3 white lines they say to look for.

20 week sono 4

So with that said, time to start decorating the room!


  1. I'm so glad I can start calling her Maisy on the blog now!! :) She is SO cute already, I can't wait to meet her in person!

  2. she's beautiful and I love her name!

  3. Aren't those 4D sonograms amazing!! HAHA I remember seeing those three little white lines... so exciting!! I can't wait to meet Miss Maisy too =)

  4. I'm glad I can start calling her her actual name now and not "baby girl" lol. I can't wait to meet Maisy Marsh :)

  5. Hi Maisy!!!!!!! So good to finally see a picture of her, she is so adorable already :) I love how Ryder talks to her through your belly like that, lol...so cute!

  6. I LOVE THE NAME!!!!! I love names that are so original and Maisy is definitley that!!!! She looks like she's going to be just as CUTE as Ryder!!!! Oh I'm so excited for you Brandy to have a little girl. Your gonna have the BEST OF BOTH WORLDS, a girl and a boy!!! Like you stated in your comment, the bond between a mommy and son is TOTALLY different then a mommy and daughter. I just can't explain it! I love my kids all so much but I love them all differently!!!!!

  7. She's already adorable!! :)

  8. I love her name. It is so unique for your unique and wonderful family!

  9. Can't wait to meet you Baby Maisy!

  10. Nicholas will love playing with Maisy!! I am sure she will be a beautiful and sweet girl, just like her mommy.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I LOVE that name!!! It's very cute! (I deleted my post before this because I said congratulations and then was like "why did I just write congratulations!?" LOL)
