Monday, February 21, 2011

Our Life as Blue’s Clues

Our life has seriously turned into an ongoing episode of Blue’s Clues.  It all started when we were at the store the other day and Ryder said he needed us to buy him a Notebook!  Of course we gave into his request and bought him a notebook, then he needed a crayon to put in the top “just like steve does!”  So he got a crayon in his notebook.  Now he carries his notebook around with him, ya know, in case he finds a clue.  And it is a MUST HAVE when he’s watching Blue’s Clue’s so that he can draw the clues too.
Sometimes he needs Daddy to watch Blue’s Clues with him and help him draw the clues, and again, we always give in to his requests!
We have about 7 episodes recorded and Ryder always knows which one he wants to watch, he knows the titles of all of them.  Throughout the day he never stops talking about Blue’s Clues.  He relates everything to it!  When we check the mail in the evenings, it’s a big deal because “WE JUST GOT A LETTER!!”  When we’re playing and he finds something it is always “we dus found our first clue!!”  One of his favorite episodes is called Treasure Hunt, so he is always now “lookin’ for treasures!”  My favorite part that he repeats from the show is “We can do anything…DAT WE WANNA DO!” 
So it should be no surprise to anyone, that Me & Daddy bought this for Ryder:

His very own Thinking Chair!!  He absolutely loves it, and as you can see we were pretty excited to give it to him! 




I’ve been typing this post throughout the evening, and now I have a funny story to share that just happened before bedtime.  We told him he could watch Blue’s Clues before bed and Daddy asked which episode he wanted to watch.  So he said “Puppets” (this is a new one that I just recorded that Daddy didn’t know about yet).  Alan looked at me and said “what’s that?” and before I could even speak Ryder said “you take your hand like dis and say helllooooo” as he was moving his hand like a Puppet! 

He is too much, his mind really amazes us every day.  He might be just a little bit spoiled…but he deserves it!


  1. I can't help but laugh and smile when I watch these videos of Ryder - he's just so adorable!! I love his new little thinking chair =)

  2. I love the notebook and thinking chair! He is so funny!

  3. Its so funny how they all have their own shows that they like to watch!! Love the 'Thinking Chair' too cute :)

  4. OMG - I can relate between Dora, Blue's Clues, and iCarly I don't know what's worse! "We just got a letter, we just got a letter, we just got a letter, wonder who it's from?" LOL!!

  5. LOVE his new 'Cars' thinking car. and I agree, Ryder deserves to be spoiled! :)
