Saturday, February 19, 2011

23 Months!!

I can’t believe Ryder is 1 month away from being 2 years old!  He can believe it though, he has started answering people for me when they ask how old he is.  “Two in MARCH!” he says!  We get that question a lot and I guess he has heard my answer enough times to be able to answer himself.

At almost 2 years old, this little guy is busy:

  • Growing: He has finally gained a little weight!  He’s almost 23 pounds now and is finally in 18 month clothes which I think are going to last him through the Spring into the Summer.
  • Learning: He pays attention to EVERY thing around him, and it seems like each day things make more and more sense in his little head.  One way I know this is how he takes the words right out of mouth throughout the day.  He literally narrates his whole day, including what people’s responses should be.  When he’s crying he’ll walk up to me and say “What’s da matter???  Why is you crying??” or when we get in the car at the end of the day he’ll say “did you have fun at Nana’s?”  And at bed time when I lay him down he says “Mama’s NOT coming back in here”.  That’s right buddy, you got it! 
  • Laughing: He’s very silly these days and constantly finds ways to make us (and himself) laugh!  He has the best laugh ever, especially when he’s laughing so hard that no noise comes out.  Those are my favorite times!
  • Loving: This child’s heart is SO full of love.  Especially at night time right before bed, it is a long process of kisses and hugs and “luzzz you’s” before he feels fulfilled and ready for bed (I realize this is his way of delaying bed time but we still eat it up!)  He’ll ask for my drivers license and when I give it to him he kisses my picture “MAH – I luzz you mama! MAH – all better mama!”  Sweet boy.
  • Talking: Obviously this is what our days are filled with.  He rarely has a moment where something isn’t coming out of his mouth.  It works out well though because I always know what he’s going to do before he does it, I just have to listen!
  • Playing: He’s playing a lot with blocks lately, still with cars & monster trucks, and he carries his notepad around with him incase he finds “a clue”!  Yes our life has turned into one big episode of Blues Clues!

Well, I guess this will be my last monthly update, 2 years was long enough.  Obviously you’ll still know what he’s up to through the regular posts so I won’t need to summarize anymore.  I have to stop somewhere or else it’s going to turn into “192 months…just got his drivers license!”



  1. That picture is the best! Happy 23 months Ryder Cup! ;)

  2. #1 - the picture with that jacket on is priceless! #2 - I love this update, he's getting so big, TOO fast!!! I love how he knows what to say to you at the right times... we definitely have the biggest mama's boys on our hands, but I'm not complaining and I know you're not either :) 1 more month until the big boy is TWO!!!

  3. Love that jacket and picture! I think that is so cute how he says to you what you would say or ask to him! I wish I could see you all again soon.

  4. I love that jacket!!!! Happy 23 months buddy!!

  5. I swear B.. he is TOO cool!
