Friday, February 4, 2011

19 Weeks!

Here’s what Alpha Mom says about this week:

Your Baby:

  • Is about 5 1/2 to six inches long and weighs around 7 ounces.
  • Although your baby will weigh more than 15 times its current weight by the time it is born, the rapid-fire growth portion of pregnancy is over. Thus, I have nothing else interesting to say up here. Baby is fully assembled; just needs some fattening up and lengthening out.


  • May be able to feel your baby’s kicks from the outside of your belly, if you’re lucky. Jason felt his first kick last night, and it was pretty cool and rocking and all that. He only remembered the later, third-trimester wallops from last time — this was the first time we were able to catch one of the gentle, early kicks.
  • How are your moods doing? I’m not about to tell anyone what’s “normal” at this point, except to say that whatever you’re feeling? Whether it be fear or worry or impatience or rage or weepiness or ecstatic joy or maybe a combination of all of the above in the span of 10 minutes? Yep. It’s probably normal.
  • The moods are normal because things are probably becoming a whole lot more “real” right about now. The belly is undeniable, the movements are steady, perhaps you know whether it’s a boy or a girl and are deciding on names and picking out room decor. So maybe you ran out of the room crying during a movie where something bad happened to a small child. Or to an adult! Because THEY WERE SOMEONE’S BABY ONCE TOO! Congratulations! You’re officially bonding.


Speaking of feeling kicks from the outside of your belly…Alan felt the baby kick this week!!  We were both shocked he was able to feel it this early, but just as we laid down for bed she started kicking over and over in one spot, and he got to feel it 3 times!  I don’t know what it is about feeling the baby kick, but it’s just SO special.  I guess because you can’t see or hear or feel the baby, so it’s your first form of communication or interaction with one another.  I cherish every little wiggle and nudge and kick I get :)  Not to mention that for paranoid Mommy’s who worry too much, it is the best form of reassurance that everything’s good in there!

Not much else going on this week, just chugging milk to cure heartburn on an hourly basis!  My eating is grossing everyone out at work…Pizza, and MILK! Fruit, and MILK! Popcorn, and MILK!  I can’t help it though, every.single.thing gives me heartburn and milk is my only relief.

Here we are at 19 weeks:

19 weeks (1)

19 weeks (3)


  1. You look great! And I'm right there with you ...milk is my BEST FRIEND these days! :)

    PS - Congrats on being 1/2 way there!!

  2. Love your dress :) You look great!! I can't say that i've craved milk yet - but i'm sure my day will come.. lol!

  3. Beautiful pictures!!! Love the close up of the belly! :)

  4. that belly of yours is so sweet!
