Friday, February 25, 2011

22 Weeks!

Here’s what Alpha Mom says about this week:

Your Baby:

  • Is about 11 inches long, which is just about one inch shorter than your average 12-inch ruler.
  • Has likely crossed the one-pound mark in weight.
  • Is getting more defined facial features every day, and already looks unmistakably like himself or herself on a 3D ultrasound.


  • Are gaining about a pound a week now, if you happen to be one of those rare creatures whose weight gain lines up with the books and calendars.
  • May find yourself ravenously hungry at odd times during the day — the middle of the afternoon, after dinner or even in the middle of the night. Blah blah nutrient-rich protein-heavy snacks like nuts and things blah. Me, I’m going with calcium-rich milkshakes, thanks.
  • Continue to be that pregnancy-patented mix of moods and emotions. Blissfully happy and belly-rubbing one minute, wracked with anxiety and worry the next. Affectionately hoping your baby looks just like your partner one minute, hating their guts and face the next. Rawr.

I have been pretty emotional lately, crying mostly at TV shows: One Born Every Minute, Teen Mom, American Idol, Jersey Shore, you name it, I’ve cried while watching it!  Today my meltdown happened during Ryder’s therapy, get it together Brandy!  My goodness.  So I guess having this extra dose of estrogen running through me is making me all sappy. 

My stomach feels SO heavy this week, that’s my only complaint, I promise!  Little Miss Maisy has been very active in the mornings and right before bed which I love.  Her movements are getting stronger and sometimes I can see my stomach jump from her little jabs.  I can also feel them in my bladder these days, that’s always fun!

Here we are at 22 weeks:

22 weeks (3)


  1. You look great!! And I love that color shirt!! :) Happy 22!

  2. Love that belly! You look great momma!!

  3. Gosh, 22 weeks already!! Its flying by! You look great, I love your little belly :)

  4. You look gorgeous!! It's flying by!

  5. your baby bump is so freakin cute!!! happy 22 weeks - can't believe how fast it's going!

  6. Aw Brandy, you look so pretty :)

  7. You look VERY pretty! That belly is perfectly round, love it!

  8. You do look great! Super skinny with just a big ball! Keep up all the great work!
