Friday, March 4, 2011

23 Weeks!

Yay, another week down!  Here is what Alpha Mom has to say about this week:

Your Baby:

  • Is a tad bigger than last week! Are you sensing a pattern! Goodness, I never realized how boring this stretch of pregnancy is, what with the “close to a pound, just over a pound, 11 inches long, 11 2/3 inches long” comparisons week after week.
  • The pancreas is kicking into gear sometime around this week, and blood vessels continue to develop in the lungs. Lung development is a Big Thing right now, since babies born around 24 weeks gestation can often survive outside the womb. 23 weeks is pretty questionable, and 24 weeks certainly isn’t a peachy keen time to be born or anything, but still. If you’re the morbid sort who gets a tiny bit of comfort knowing that your baby has a fighting chance If Something Terrible Were To Happen, well, there you go.


  • “OMG, you’re so big! Are you sure it’s not twins?”
  • Or, alternatively: “OMG, you barely look pregnant! Are you sure you’re 23 weeks?”
  • SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. Thank you. No woman is ever going to appreciate your boneheaded commentary on her size and/or weight. Last time I was plagued with dire predictions of hidden twins and early labor and 14-pound babies. This time I get only-sort-of affectionately called names by other women when queried about my weight gain. Which is 1) none of your business and 2) yes, everything IS okay, my baby is growing just fine, thank you for your nosy and very annoying “concern.”

I love the Alpha Mom updates so much because she really tells it like it is!  And week after week she is on point.  People make the most ridiculous comments and I constantly feel like I have to explain why I’m SOOOO big.  It was the same thing with Ryder, so I don’t know why I’m surprised, but I just get tired of saying “well I guess it’s because i’m short and don’t have a very long torso so the baby has nowhere to go but out…yes, I’m sure it’s not twins!” 

On that note, my stomach has gotten HUGE this week!  It feels so heavy and tight too, like I need to put my hands under it and carry it around for myself.  To think that I still have 16 more weeks to grow is scary, so let’s just not think about that, K?!

Here we are at 23 weeks:

23 weeks (3)

My view looking down :)

 23 weeks


  1. You do not look huge at all! Even though, I know you feel like it, lol...I've felt that way for weeks and people keep telling me "aw, look at that tiny bump.". I want to slap them when they say that, haha. :)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. I love the looking downward shot! I don't think you look huge, AT ALL! You're pregnant so whatever to them! Have a great anniversary weekend get away :)

  3. You're not big, you are beautiful!

  4. I'm loving all the pink in the pictures! :) and you are not big at all.. you have the perfect lil' baby bump. xo
