Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Cast Is On!

We got to the Therapy Center at 3:00 and by 3:30 the cast was on!  I was amazed at how fast they were able to put it on and how well Ryder tolerated them doing it.  I tried to tell him all about it on the way so that he would know what to expect, and we brought one of his new Blue’s Clue’s DVD’s with us which was a great distraction for him.  He would watch Blue’s Clue’s, tell us about something on the TV, cry, then go back to watching it.  Once the cast was on, he walked all around the therapy center showing everyone his new “blue sword!”.  He was so excited about it and everyone there is so sweet, they all knew today was Ryder’s big day and every therapist would stop mid-session to check out his sword and tell him how good he did. 

He got right to work showing off with Lefty, confirming to all of us that this was exactly what he needed!  Here are some pictures from today’s therapy session:





During therapy I was thinking…wow, he is so amazing!  I can’t believe I got myself so stressed over this!  Although I do still think he is amazing, when we got home everything I had stressed about and knew would happen did.  His first bout of frustration came as soon as we got home and he asked for a drink.  I got out a cup with handles and tried to show him that he could hold the handle and drink with Lefty.  He got SO frustrated that he screamed and tried to bite his cast!!  Then, I thought we could calm down by sitting down to color, and that frustrated him because he wanted Mommy to “take da sword off” so he could color with righty.  He started crying so hard, got up and ran into his room and dove face first onto his bed and just sobbed.  I was crying and didn’t want him to see me crying but I knew I needed to get myself together so I could go comfort him, it was just a mess.  I forgot to mention that Alan woke up really sick this morning!  He is quarantined to the bedroom because we just can’t pass that sickness around right now, not on top of this.  So I had to conquer Day 1 solo, and it was rough.  

I know that the first few days will be the hardest and then things will get easier, so I’m trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  He has therapy at 7am and then we’re off all day with him, so we’ll see what tomorrow brings.

Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement!  It’s nice to know that we have so much support and that Ryder is so cared about and prayed for. 


  1. That is one cool blue sword :) I hope day 2 is better for you guys. Poor Ryder, I know you hate to see him so upset and frustrated but like you said, each day will get easier!

  2. It'll get'll see... as he starts to USE LEFTY more and more... he won't even NOTICE his cool blue sword! Hang in their gurlie... does my nephew need some homemade chicken soup? Hollar if you all need anything Love all of you, Aunt B

  3. Hope day 2 is better! Let me know ifyou need anything!

  4. I knew that shirt would look cute on him ;) I hope today goes easier for him and you guys!!

  5. I know the next few days will bring some challenges but you guys will make it, you always have ;) This one may be a little harder but like you said, this is exactly what Ryder needs. Hang in there, hope Alan is feeling better!

  6. Praying for you through this frustrating period in all of your lives. Nothing worth fighting for is easy right? The use of his left hand is definitely worth the battle and Ryder will come out victorious! He has a blue knight sword for the battle ;) and what an even more amazing future your little Knight has after this!
