Tuesday, March 22, 2011

2 Year Check-Up

Ryder went for his 2 year check-up yesterday and he did so good!  He stepped right up on the scale to get his weight and height, let the nurse get all of his vitals, and let “Docta Cray” check him from head to toe without much of a fuss!  They even had to prick his finger to check his iron & led levels.  I told him he could have a book when he was done, so he stayed focused on the end prize. 

I’m happy to report that my boy has finally had some growth!!  He was 24 pounds and 34 inches which now puts him in the 10th percentile…moving on up!  His iron levels came back fine, ears looked good, and development is going wonderfully!  She quizzed him on all of his colors and he would come back with way more information then he even had to and we would just laugh.  She said “Hey Ryder, can you point to something red in this room?” without even looking up he said “dat stool over dere is red!” 

When he was all done they went to the book closet together so he could pick out his book.  His Doctor said “Ryder what kind of book do you want??” he said “ummm, I want a book about planets!”  He is too much.  So he got "Goodnight Moon” and that was the end of that.  We left with a prescription for a left hand night splint that was requested by his therapist.

Just because I never have any pictures of Me & Ryder together, I had to steal this from Diana’s blog:


Still can’t believe my boy is 2 years old!!! 


  1. Ryder is such a big boy! I can't believe he's two already, too!

  2. Mikayla has two "Goodnight Moon" books, she loves to read that one! Glad the appointment went great, and I love that picture Diana took of you and your TWO babies :)

  3. Carter has Goodnight Moon too :) Love the picture of you and Ryder! Glad his appt. went good!!

  4. He's a smart little boy :) Glad everything went well. and I LOVE the picture of you two. Adorable! xo

  5. Cute picture of mom & son! Glad he is healthy!

  6. we now have 5 copies of goodnight moon.. it was calebs fave a long time ago and a few ended up at our house as give aways from other people with older kids and at the hospital jake received a copy!
