Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Have We Been Up To??

Sorry we have been MIA, our next big project was in full effect this weekend which meant our whole house being moved around and…no computer!  We decided to tear the carpet out of our living room, dining room, and hallways and replace it with wood floors.  This ended up taking all weekend and into the week, but we are getting there!  Alan has been working SO hard, we really appreciate him and everything he does.  Of course Ryder had to help:














And even Mommy had to pitch in on the last row…


So we’ve been trying to keep busy while the house was being worked in, which was fun because we got to spend time with Jamie & Elijah:


And Me & Ryder had to get pretty creative finding things to do.  We had breakfast and dinner parties on his bedroom floor, spent lots of time in the big boy bed, and he found a new favorite thing that he insists on carrying around with him:


Maisy’s pillow!  What a sweet big brother he’s going to be.  He would lay it on my stomach and say “here Maisy, you can lay on your pillow…..Ryder’s turn to lay on Maisy’s pillow!”  Her turns were very short and his were very long, but that’s okay! 


So that’s what we’ve been up to.  It has been a little crazy having everything turned upside down, but I’m SO happy with the finished product that it will all be worth it in the end.  So far we just have the living room back together:


(the only way we can keep the dogs out of our chairs is to pile stuff in them before we go to bed!)

Next project…Maisy’s room!!!  Yay :)


  1. WOW, it looks SOOOO good! What a huge difference! Thats so sweet that Ryder is carrying around Maisy's pillow :) What a good big brother he is going to be. I can't wait to see the next project!

  2. Oh Brandy I love the hard wood, it looks so awesome!!! Can't wait to see what's next with Maisy's room =) I overheard Nick asking his mom about the new harley blanket so I'm sure that will be Ryder's next new thing to carry around ;-)

  3. The floors turned out great!! And I think it's hilarious that you have to pile stuff in your chairs to keep the dogs out, haha.

  4. Your floors look sooo good!!!! I love that Ryder is carrying around Maisy's pillow, that's so sweet. He's going to be the best big brother ever!

  5. "Twins" - We got hardwood floors this weekend too!

  6. The floor looks really good! I can't wait until we get started on our project!

  7. The floor looks GREAT!!! Super pretty!! :)

  8. Now you REALLLY NEED a shark mop! Those things are AMAZING! Looks great...It's a blessing you guys can afford to do all these things! Sucha beautiful home and family...! Aunt B loves all of you!

  9. The floors LOOK great!! Ryder looks so cute helping daddy!!

  10. Looks great! Ryder is so cute helping his Daddy and with Maisy's pillow! adorable little boy! Her pillow is so cute so I can't wait to see her room as I will have to live my having a girl through you, ha!
