Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Aftermath…


Things were looking a little crazy around here today!  We all woke up feeling good and were excited to go through Ryder’s presents and start getting things put away.  He got some really cool additions to his Harley Room, like these signs from Pop-Pop & Karen:

 068 074

This motorcycle lamp that was passed down from Nana & Pap-pap…AND Ryder’s very first pet fish from Jamie, how cool is the aquarium with the orange rocks?!  We tried to get him to name his fish Harley, but he insisted on naming it Hummer!


The first present Ryder opened at the party was from Diana & Bryce and there were bath tablets and bath crayons in the bag which are 2 of Ryder’s very favorite things…so he did not forget about them!  He kept asking as he was opening other things “where did my tablets go?”, he told me this morning to “go get my tabwets, dey in da Humma truck!” and couldn’t wait to take a bath!




That little face is still cute all scraped up.  He hasn’t even mentioned his boo-boo today, so thank goodness it’s not bothering him like yesterday when it was raw and I’m sure it was burning.

It was nice going through the presents at a much slower pace today!  Ryder is such a sweet heart, he truly appreciates things, even if it was just clothes he would say “here mom, some clothes for da closet!”  I can’t even say that he has a favorite thing he got because he seemed equally as excited about everything, and took turns playing with it all.  He got some awesome new Blue’s Clue’s stuff, monster trucks, motorcycles, lots of fun outdoor toys, so much cool stuff, he is really a blessed little boy!

I can tell you though that the house as a whole has a LEAST favorite toy!  This dinosaur whose eyes light up red and his mouth chomps open and closed like he’s going to eat you and he roars really loud and scary!


The dogs think it is an intruder, Ryder is terrified of it, and truthfully the red eyes kind of freak me out a bit too.  The only person who is enjoying this…Daddy…yup it’s his favorite toy now, of course, because he can torment us all with it.  Daniel probably knew this would happen when he bought it!


Pop-Pop took Ryder to the gun show today which gave me & Daddy a chance to get all the new stuff organized.  We were able to set a lot aside to go to Nana & Pap-pap’s house, stash a bunch in his closet to savor the flavor of the new toys for a while, get everything else put together or put away, and get our house back in pre-Birthday condition!

I have to leave you with this video of Ryder opening the package he got in the mail from Kristen.  I don’t think the stores sell Blue’s Clue’s stuff anymore, but Penny, Nicki, and Kristen all managed to get him some, and I’m glad I was able to capture his reaction to one of them on camera, because Blue’s Clues is a BIG DEAL around here!:


  1. You did a great job on the party girl! I know Bailey had a good time and wore me out! LOL Thanks for inviting us and letting us be apart of his special day! :) "STOP RUNNING BAILEY!" LOL

  2. That video melted my heart!! "oh my goodness!" He is such a sweet boy!

  3. Glad Ryder is having so much fun with all of his new toys...and Daddy too! haha. Matteson probably can't wait until Jax starts getting some cool toys so he has something to play with instead of barbies :)

  4. Ryder literally had a Hummer full of toys! What a lucky guy :)

  5. Wow, look at all those presents!! What a lucky boy he is =)

  6. Aww :) Looks like Ryder had a great birthday!! I'm so happy he liked my present. "Oh my goodness.. oh my goodness" LOL! Too cute! Bummed I missed it, but I hope to see you guys soon.. xoxo.
    ps. If Ryder starts calling me Aunt Krusty, me and Alan are gonna talk.
    pss. His 'thank you' call Friday night MADE my night :) :)

  7. YESSSSS!!! Thank you, Mommy for giving me an awesome present idea :) I'm so glad he loved them! I got them for Bryce too, and I even get so excited about bath time! I'm glad he had such a good time!
