Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Letter To My Son On HIs 2nd Birthday

Ryder ~

Just saying your name makes emotion pour out from my heart.  Never in my life have I experienced such a deep love for something or such an overwhelming amount of pride and joy.  Thank you for making me a Mommy and your Dad a Daddy.  We have such a special bond from being your parents that we can often just look at each other and without saying a word know exactly what the other one is thinking or feeling about you. 

As with your first year, your second year has brought some difficulties for you, but nothing you couldn’t overcome.  A 1 year old being diagnosed with having a stroke is so shocking to most people, but for you it has just been another part of life.  You push through all of the daily challenges you face by having a disability completely unaffected.  You never complain about doctor appointments or constantly being at therapy, instead life is so fun for you and you just take it as it comes.  Thank you for teaching me what true strength is, you are a fighter, and you my son are strong!

You have developed quite the personality.  Your silliness mixed with your infinite vocabulary is the perfect recipe for laughter!  No matter where we are or what we’re doing, you’re sure to make someone laugh, even if it’s just for the simple fact that so many words are coming out of such a little guy.  You are SO smart, your mind is always working, observing everything that goes on in your surroundings and truly comprehending it all.  I can’t help but laugh when I recall the time when we were questioning whether you would be able to walk or talk!  You are extremely goal-oriented and are always on a mission to get something done.  I can tell you will be a very hard worker when you grow up, just like your Daddy! 

You are the definition of a Daddy’s boy!  You love tools and motorcycles and monster trucks, 4-wheelers and dirtbikes, fixing things and tearing things up.  But in the midst of all the manliness, you sure do love your Mama!  One of my favorite things that comes out of your mouth is “Mommy, I take good cares of you!” as you cover me with your blankie because you think I’m cold.  What a sweet boy you are.  And to think of how caring you are to your baby sister who you have never even met yet just blows me away.  I can’t wait to see you in action once she is born.  Your love for Jesus is something that completely warms my heart.  Your favorite song for us to sing together is “Jesus in the morning, Jesus at the noon time, Jesus when the sun goes down”.  My prayer is that as you continue to grow you will always keep Jesus with you.

So here we are, on your 2nd Birthday.  It makes me sad how fast you are growing up, but I’m loving every second of watching you grow.  Happy Birthday Baby Boy!  I hope this next year brings you nothing but happiness.

With all of my love,


P.S. Go easy on us, okay?!  We can already see the signs of the Terrible Two’s creeping up on us…and we’re scared!  


  1. Aunt B is Speechless... I love all of you! You all make me so proud, you're such amazing parents! Living proof of how if you keep God in the Center of your lives, All these things will be added unto are so blessed-His Love shines thru your happy little growing family. Shine On! Happy SECOND Birthday Ryder! Aunt B Loves you! xoxo

  2. Way to make this hormonal pregnant woman emotional first thing in the morning! ;) Happy Birthday Ryder!! We can't wait to celebrate with you at your birthday party today!

  3. Happy Birthday Ryder!!! I cannot believe its been 2 years! You are such a special little man :)

  4. What a sweet letter! Got me all teary :) Happy Birthday Ryder, can't wait to celebrate with you today!!!

  5. Happy Birthday, Ryder!

    Aunt Jess, Uncle Dwayne, Sydney, and Kacy love you so much!!! You are such a sspecial gift frI'm God with so many beautiful character qualities wrapped up in such a cute little package! We hope you had a great time at your party.

  6. Oops, make that *special and *from :)

    Aunt Jess

  7. HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY BUDDY!! That letter definitely made me tear up, so sweet! Ryder is so lucky to have such amazing parents!!

  8. Happy Birthday Ryder! That is so sweet. I hope you are doing the blog books or CD's for him one day to be able to read back with his own family one day. You sure do have an amazing little boy in your life. I love the PS bit! Funny!

  9. I just knew I was gonna cry when I read the title to this post! Such a sweet letter, Happy 2nd Birthday Ryder! :)

  10. Wow, what a beautiful letter Brandy!! I just love the part about him taking good care of his mama and baby sister whom he's never even met yet.. he's one of the sweetest little boys I know!!
