Saturday, April 2, 2011

27 Weeks!

Here is what Alpha Mom says about this week:

Your Baby:

  • Hey! Remember when I told you your baby was as big as a gummy bear? Oh, about 19 or 20 weeks ago?
  • Now imagine a two-pound, 15-inch-long gummy bear. Yep.
  • Eyelids (which have been fused since 11 or 12 weeks) can now open and close.


  • Are officially in the third trimester! Feel free to celebrate/panic at will.
  • May notice more of that pesky round ligament pain as your belly gets harder and bigger and rounder, or as it starts to dip down a little bit, looking a little less perky and cute than it did a few weeks ago.
  • Depending on your baby’s position, the kicks and movements might be a little painful. Feet up under your ribcage, jabs to the cervix, random body parts of mystery poking you way off to the side, where you didn’t even think those little appendages were long enough to reach.

Finally in the 3rd trimester!  This has been the toughest week for me through this whole pregnancy.  I hurt my back last weekend, which in turn has pinched my sciatic nerve, so I have been living with a constant sharp pain shooting down my right leg and my foot is completely numb.  I haven’t found anything that gives me any relief, so I’m just praying that somehow this goes away and doesn’t last the remainder of the pregnancy.

On a happier note, Maisy got the hiccups this week for the first time which is always a special milestone.  Don’t ask me why, but I looked forward to that with Ryder too!  I guess because we’re always wondering what these babies are doing in there, and that is one thing that I know for sure, is when she has the hiccups. 

I’ve been getting Braxton Hicks contractions more frequently, probably about 10 every day.  I really need to start drinking more water but I’ve never been a big water drinker and it is one of the things that triggers horrible heartburn for me, so it’s hard to make myself drink it. 

Here we are at 27 weeks, only 12 more to go!!

27 Weeks (2)


  1. Just 12 more, so cool! Sorry to hear about your leg and foot pain. The things our bodies go through while we are pregnant is crazy. It is all worth it for those hiccups and to see her sweet face in 3 months. :)

  2. My week 26 was the roughest for me too ... but amazingly, I feel better today than I did then. So hopefully yours will start to get better too.

  3. You are soooo close Brandy!!! I hope your back feels better soon!

  4. James has that sciatica down both of his legs and he says that it is terrible, so I can only imagine how bad it must feel while being pregnant too.

  5. B, you look so cute! Hope your pains get better.. I dont know how you do it girl. Alpha Mom is funny!
    love you!

  6. Only 12 more weeks to go.... SOO close now :)
