Saturday, April 30, 2011

31 Weeks!

Here’s what Alpha Mom says about this week:

Your Baby:

  • Blah blah blah 3.3 pounds, bag of oranges, sock full of nickels, etc.
  • Enjoys yawning, sucking his or her thumb, kicking mom in the diaphragm.
  • Turn-offs include: getting the hiccups, really loud noises and you trying to do all that boring “sleeping” at night.


  • Can totally round down your answer to “two months” when people ask you how much longer you have to go. DO NOT focus on the crazy week-to-month-ratio math at this point in pregnancy, particularly when there are breakable, smashy objects within reach.
  • May be weirdly and inexplicably congested all the time. I, for one, appear to be allergic to my pillow. This is also prime time for pregnancy colds, as the toll on your body and immune system is getting higher by the week. Take it easy, slow down, take your vitamins and try try try to get enough sleep.
  • Can now play everybody’s favorite game, Guess The Body Part That’s Sticking Out Next To My Belly Button! Elbow or heel? Head or butt? Did I seriously just maybe feel my baby’s BIG TOE?

Maisy is still very active and loves moving around in there.  She gets the hiccups atleast 2-3 times a day and sometimes they are so strong that my stomach jumps with every hiccup.  I noticed in a meeting the other day that 2 of my co-workers were watching my stomach move from across the table! 

I’m getting even more Braxton Hicks contractions now and they seem stronger to the point where they take my breath away sometimes.  Still have heartburn too, those seem to be my two symptoms that stick with me pretty much the whole pregnancy.

I had a doctor appointment this week…Maisy’s heartrate was 148, my blood pressure was normal, and I gained SIX pounds!  Yes, in 2 weeks!  I’ve been waiting for that huge spike and it came this week.  So that’s a total gain of 19 pounds so far.  But it’s official that I do not have diabetes and they won’t be testing me anymore (yay!) (that probably explains the 6 pound gain…I might have gone on a sugar binge after passing my last test!)

Here we are at 31 weeks!

31 Weeks (9)


  1. So glad you don't have to go through the glucose testing anymore!! 7-11 slurpees every day!! Woo hoo! :)

  2. You look so darling! Yay for no diabetes. Can't wait to see your little girl!

  3. You look great! Love the cute top and glad you dont have to take those tests anymore. Great news, God is good!

  4. AWWW!! Look at the belly!! and those tiny legs, arms and face.. You look fab-u-lous! So glad to hear everything is going great with Maisy and Mommy. Your family is growing so fast, I'm so happy for you. You're dream come true <3

  5. Your*
    I hate when people use the wrong contractions. My bad.
