Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mommy & Maisy Check-ups

28 week sono (2)

There’s our chubby little girl!  She has definitely put some meat on her bones since the last time we got to check in on her.  What a sweet little face, I just want to kiss all over it.  On the left side of her face is the umbilical cord which she finally decided to peek around for a second so we could get this picture.  The rest of the time she was hiding behind it, so this is the only one I have to share.

The good news is that baby girl looks “fabulous” and is showing no signs of anything wrong, Praise God!  She already weighs 3 pounds 1 ounce and her heartrate was 148.  All of her measurements came back perfect, her blood flow study was normal, and she was even already taking practice breaths.  Her score today on how well she’s thriving and developing was an 8/8!!  I did have a bit of a scare today though after the sonogram, the Perinatologist asked me to meet him in the conference room for a discussion.  An all too familiar feeling came over me and I panicked a little bit, but luckily he just wanted to talk about me, not the baby, I can handle that!  Turns out some of my bloodwork came back that I do have a blood clotting disorder and he just wanted to go over all that with me.  The scary thing about the disorder is that it is linked to a very high miscarriage rate (I can’t tell you how blessed I feel today to have been able to get pregnant so easily and hold onto my sweet babies!) and diabetes (go figure!)

On that note, our next stop was to see my OB where we got some more good news…I passed my diabetes test!!!  Hopefully for the last time!  We’ll see, but for now I’m good and I get to stop testing my sugars, Hallelujah!  Blood pressure was good, Iron was low so I have to start on a supplement for that, and I gained 5 pounds for a total of 13 pounds so far. 

I will now start seeing my OB every 2 weeks, and I go back to the Perinatologist (Maternal Fetal Medicine) in 3 weeks, then I start weekly appointments after that.  Let the craziness begin! 


  1. She is absolutely beautiful already! Can't wait to meet her in person :).

  2. That is a sweet perfect picture of her. I dont remember any of my sonogram pictures being so clear on what there features would look like! So neat. Sorry to hear you are having clotting problems but it sounds like all will be OK! Thanking God for all the good news!

  3. Ahh, I just want to squeeze her chubby cheeks :) So glad your appt went soo good and everything!

  4. That picture of Maisy is SO good!! She's definitely put on some weight too, I love it =) Glad to hear you passed the glucose test!!

  5. Maisy is sooo cute!! I LOOOVEEE those cheeks! I'm LOVING all of the great news :)

  6. Wow!! So much good news and such a BEAUTIFUL baby girl!!!

  7. Your little girl is adorable! ;) She does have chunky cheeks. I LOVE THE name.

  8. A-Dorable! :) Can't wait to meet her!
