Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Eggs

This was our first experience dying Easter eggs since Mommy & Daddy were little, it’s so fun getting to do all of these activities all over again! 

First we put the tablets in:


Then we dipped our eggs:


Then we decorated them with stickers:


And Voila!  Beautiful (don’t judge!) Elmo Easter Eggs!


“Happy Easter!!!”


Daddy made a Rooster egg, since Rooster’s can’t lay eggs…?


Then we showed off the dye on our hands that probably won’t come out for a week:


And that brought our Easter egg dying festivities to an end because immediately after this picture was taken:


The eggs went flying!  So we now have 6 smashed eggs in the trash.  I know buddy, I always thought this activity was kind of pointless too! I mean what do you do with the eggs when you’re done?  Eat them?  Hide them?  Leave them for the Easter Bunny?  Well either way, all good things must come to an end :)


  1. hahaha, you hide them and have an Easter Egg Hunt! :) Cute pictures, can't wait to dye eggs with Mikayla tomorrow. Wait until next year when we have four little hands dying eggs! WHEW!

  2. LOL! Oh my goodness! That's too funny! At least you were in a good spirit about it!

  3. You use them to make delicious deviled eggs! Luke is dyeing eggs with his cousins tomorrow. Could be interesting... :)

  4. Hahaha, too funny that he threw them right after you guys were done! Typical boy!
