Sunday, April 24, 2011

Maddy’s Birthday Party!

Luckily the weather ended up being nice and we all gathered at Gilbert Run to celebrate Madalynn’s very 1st Birthday!!  She was adorable, as always, and I think she enjoyed having the spotlight!  Here’s the Birthday girl about to tear into her cupcake :)


What a good idea to have a party at the park…Ryder was excited to go play on the playground so all the dads took all the kids over to play.  Wish I had pictures but it was nice for us Momma’s to get a break so we took advantage of that!  Here are a few pictures I did get at the party though:

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I’m sure that Ryder’s favorite part of the party had nothing to do with the actual party, but the fact that Miss Sonya (Madalynn’s Grammy) brought Ryder the new blanket she made him to match his big boy bed!



He loved it so much, he even told her that!  He kept saying “I love dis new blankie" “dis new blankie is so special”.  After that, all he wanted was to be wrapped in his blankie and he kept asking to go home.  Oh, if you peek in the bag you can see a pink one in there too!  She already made one for Maisy :)  Ryder asked for Maisy’s lastnight when I put him to bed, but I decided not to give in to this request.  He loves these blankies so much that he will end up attached to the pink one (he already has Big Blank, Little Blank, now New Blank!) and that’s just not a good idea. 

Ryder was exhausted after all the birthday party action, so we got in the car, covered up with new blank, and he drifted off to dream while we headed to our next destination…Easter Take 1!

1 comment:

  1. I knew Ryder would love his new blanket =) so sweet he wanted to hold onto Maisy's too lol thanks again for coming and for Madalynn's romper and pool =)) XO
