Sunday, May 1, 2011



Makes me SO happy!!!  Freshly painted, brand new carpet, so nice and clean, ready for the new little bundle that will be coming home to it in just 8 weeks!  This space that went from a computer room, to Uncle G’s room, to the dogs room, to a mess of a storage room, is now ready to be decorated and made just perfect for our baby girl.


Daddy worked so hard this weekend clearing out the room, doing an attic swap, painting, and replacing the carpet.  I’m so thankful to have such a handy husband.  And I’m sure he is so thankful to not have to hear my mouth about it anymore, ha!  “We only have 10 more weekends……We only have 9 more weekends……I’m just sayin’!”  I can tell that I’m so ready to start nesting and the anxiety of not being able to do anything was really getting to me.  So you can imagine my excitement to be able to hang her first little outfits in her closet!


Now onto decorating, no rush, after all we DO have 7 weekends left!  But here’s just a little sneak peek of what to expect:

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Stay tuned for the final reveal :)


  1. OMG it's SO clean! YAY! FINALLY! I know you're so happy! Thanks for the desk, again :) I can't WAIT to see Maisy's room all finished!

  2. Yah! Everything is coming together nicely!

  3. It looks great so far! The rug is perfect too!! Can't wait to see the final product and that sweet little girl sleeping in her new room :)

  4. Looks FABULOUS so far B.. Good job! When I get my own place, I'm hiring ya'll to decorate.
    She'll be here before you know it, and I can't wait!! :) <3

  5. Looking great!!! love those little outfits.

  6. The room is looking great already! Can't wait to see it finished :)
