Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Doctor Appointments

More Dr. Appt’s to talk about…Imagine that!

First, Ryder had a check up with his Kidney Doctor last week that I haven’t mentioned yet.  They did a sonogram of his kidneys and bladder which he sat completely still for and didn’t even cry!  What a big boy he was!  I had been telling him about it the day before and on the way there, so he was prepared and handled it like a champ.  I told him “Just watch the TV and you’ll be able to see pictures of your kidneys” and he said “Dat’s not a TV momma, Dat’s a computa!”  Oh, Excuse me!  The Doctor reviewed the images and said that Ryder’s body is doing exactly what he wants it to do every time.  He said there are still pockets of fluid inside the damaged kidney that he measures to make sure are getting smaller, which they are, and he measures the kidneys to make sure they are getting bigger, which they are!  We go back in 6 months for another follow up.

I talked to Ryder’s Pediatrician on the phone this week.  Just as I was recovering from the sadness of finding out Miss Erin was leaving, I find out his Pediatrician is leaving at the end of June!  We love her so much, I just can’t even get over it, she has been such a voice of reason for me in all of these decisions I’ve had to make from Day 1 with Ryder’s care.  He’s her little buddy and her name gets mentioned quite often in our house, mainly when someone is stalling at bed time.  I usually hear over the monitor “Momma….Mommma come see what’s da matta!”  What is the matter Ryder??  “Ryder doesn’t feel good, Ryder needs to go see Dr. Cray!”  What hurts?? “My tongue! (or whatever body part he has decided hurts that day).”  I don’t even know how to start telling him that all these people are not going to be his people anymore! 

Today we got to check in on Maisy and see how the baby girl is doing.  She’s growing!  A lot!  She now weighs 6 pounds 4 ounces!  Her abdomen was measuring ahead of schedule, but hopefully that’s stemming from nothing more than her being a big baby.  I begged asked nicely for a new picture, and the sweet sonogram tech tried really hard to get me one, which resulted in me laying on my side with her jamming the wand into my hip bone aiming down to try to get a good angle of her face.  It’s really hard at this point because she’s so low and so squished in there!  But here is what we got (sorry it’s kinda creepy how there is a reflection of her face, I promise she doesn’t have 2 heads!)



After the sono it was time to go see my OB for my regular check-up.  Which ended in more tears.  Gosh.  I am either A) over emotional right now, B) a big baby, C) struggling with major attachment issues, OR D) ALL OF THE ABOVE!  Obviously the answer is D!  Here’s the run down – I have been with this doctor since I was pregnant with Ryder.  The day Ryder was born I was sent to a new hospital (where Ryder’s doctors were) to be delivered by a new doctor.  I was so sad that my Doctor wasn’t going to be the one delivering me.  Fast forward to this pregnancy, everything is going great, I’m on schedule for my doctor to do my c-section and thennnn find out he has to leave the country that day.  We moved the date back 2 days to accommodate only to find out today that the Perinatologist will not approve the new date because it is prior to 39 weeks and not medically necessary.  Nice!  So now, I have no date and no doctor.  There are 3 other doctors available in the practice (who I have never met), he wants me to think about scheduling with one of them for the rest of my pregnancy.  The last thing I want to do this close to the end is start seeing a new doctor.  period.

ANYWAY I gained 2 pounds, bringing me to a total of 21 pounds.  Blood pressure is good, no swelling, Maisy has a nice strong heartbeat.  I’m very thankful for how healthy she is and ready to bring her into this world…maybe she’ll come early on her own and none of the above will even matter! *saying prayers*


  1. Look at those cheeks!!!!! :) She is so sweet already! I can't wait to meet her! I hope that they call you this week with some good news about the other doctor.. fingers crossed!!!!!!!! Everything will work out though, try not to stress too bad!

  2. Maisy is so precious, already! I cannot WAIT to meet her!! I'm sorry about loosing all these doctors of yours :( That's got to be tough and so emotional! We get attached to them as much as we have to see them for everything! Try not to be stressed, everything will work out just fine, I promise :)

  3. Man, you just can't catch a break with these doctors, I'm sorry :( I remember being so devestated when I went into labor and realized that my doctor whom I had seen for 9 months wouldn't be the one delivering me because it was the weekend and my doctor wasn't the on call doctor that weekend. I had never met any other doctor except mine so imagine the panic I was in lol but it all worked out and luckily you still have a few more weeks to get to know a new doctor, I'm sure it's still hard though!
    Oh and the tech did a fantastic job on getting that perfect shot of Maisy. She has the sweetest chubbiest face, ahh can't wait to see her in person!!!

  4. Sorry Brandy! I know it must be stressful, but it will all work out! It always does some how...
