Friday, May 20, 2011

34 Weeks!

Here is what Alpha Mom has to say about this week:

Your Baby:

  • Weighs as much as your average cantaloupe (4.75 pounds-ish) and is almost 18 inches long.
  • Reaching the 34-week mark is a big milestone for anyone concerned about pre-term labor, as babies born at this stage usually do just fine (provided they’re otherwise healthy). Other than a slightly longer stay at the hospital, they generally don’t experience any of the long-term health problems that prematurity can cause.
  • That said, don’t let your baby go and get any big ideas about escaping just yet. More baby fat and a few more weeks of lung maturity will still make everybody’s lives easier.


  • Fatigue, heartburn, nausea, frequent trips to the bathroom. It’s like the Return of the First Trimester, only much bigger and rounder and gruntier.

This week is a major milestone for me because this is the week that I had Ryder!  So it now marks the time that from this point on I have no clue what to expect!  I never experienced those final weeks of pregnancy where your feet swell, you feel all the pressure from dilating, and you just want to be DONE.  I’m already feeling ready to be done though, so if that’s any clue to what the last weeks have to offer, I’m a little nervous!

At my sonogram wednesday everything looked good with Maisy still, they will do new measurements next week so I’m anxious to see how much bigger she has gotten.  She is head down and her head is so low that they weren’t even able to get the pictures of her brain that they take every week.

Here we are at 34 weeks:

34 Weeks (5)


  1. Happy 34!! You look great and I love the dress :)

  2. Ahhh you are SOOOO close now! You look great! Happy 34 weeks :)

  3. You look super cute!! I know you feel huge, but you look adorable, really. and I'm not just saying that b/c thats what friends do. :) June 22nd will be here very soon!!! <3
