Friday, May 20, 2011

Something Silly & Something Sad

Aunt Jig-Jig bought Ryder this plate that we think is so funny.  Remember those little magnetic boards we used to have as kids where you could give the bald man hair and a beard?  Well now we get to do that with Ryder’s food every night, it’s pretty entertaining!



I’m glad there are little things like this that can make me laugh because I have been so sad since we left therapy yesterday.  Ryder’s therapist, Miss Erin, told me yesterday that she was going to be moving at the end of June and would no longer be there to see Ryder anymore.  This instantly brought tears to my eyes and I haven’t been able to stop crying since.  She has seen Ryder every Thursday for this past year and they have become so close.  In the beginning, she had to take a complete hands-off approach with Ryder because he didn’t trust her and would not tolerate her picking him up or placing him somewhere.  That changed right before our eyes though to the point where now when she comes out to the waiting room he runs to her to give her the biggest hug and sometimes tell her “Ryder missed you”, he prays for her every night, and talks about her on a daily basis.  She has been the most influential person in Ryder’s recovery this far.  When we first started seeing her, he was pretty far behind in his motor skills…was barely crawling on his hands and knees, wasn’t walking, climbing, jumping, nothing that kids his age had been accomplishing for months.  She figured out the best ways to get him to work hard and has helped him achieve all of these goals and MORE!  She is so good for him so to think about him not seeing her anymore breaks my heart, on a personal level and a professional level.  I keep trying to think of how I will tell him when the time comes that he won’t see Miss Erin anymore, I know he’ll never forget her, this child doesn’t forget anything!  It’s coming right at the time the new baby will be born, I can’t stand the thought of him having to go through so many transitions at once, and that I might not be able to be with him when he meets a new therapist or has to say goodbye to Miss Erin.  It’s just so much to think about and it would probably be easier if I could get my emotions under control, but for now…I’m just sad.  Happy for Erin and her family!  But sad that we’re losing one of the best people we’ve met along this crazy journey!


  1. That plate is too funny, I bet you guys get the biggest kick out of it! That's sad about Miss Erin, I'm sorry to hear that she's moving but happy for her and her family. Hopefully Ryder will adjust just as well with his new therapist :)

  2. I'm sorry to hear about Erin leaving, hopefully his next therapist is just as great with him and he'll adjust perfectly like he always does. God will bring the right person! :)

  3. I DO remember those boards!! lol Hoping Ryder has an easy transition with all that's about to take place in the next month. I'm sure he'll do great though, he's such a sweet little boy!!

  4. Its really too bad that she is leaving, I know how much she means to you guys! But, I also know that Ryder will continue to thrive...with or without her! A good person will come along to fill her place..dont worry :)

  5. Being the wonderful mother you are, you will find the right words to tell Ryder she is moving and I am sure you can think of some things to help his transition and to say good-bye to her. Sorry you are so sad but this to shall pass. I agree with Nicki that God will bring another great person and this is just another teaching tool to grow Ryder's character. He is so strong! Moving is so bittersweet for both sides!

  6. Its WOOLY WILLY! orrrr HAIRY HARRY! Grins... ya'll are too young to even remember the name of those boards! lolol And about Erin leaving... Just remember the lil poem about People who come into your life for a "Reason, Season or A Time"... God has reasons for everything He does...Ryder will be fine, That lil boy is nothing short of AMAZING...and he will adapt to any's US that gets sooooo attached to other people whom we feel indebted to ...don't be's a stepping stone, sweety...God will move Ryder right along into the next phase of his life just as He always does. I loved it tonight when he told me "Aunt B~, Come kiss my whole face!"...and had THEEEE biggest Grin for me! That lil boy has NO idea that he just MELTS Aunt B~'s heart! sighs...He told me tonight that Maisy will be "arriving soon"! lol... his vocabulary cracks me up! Oh, and did he tell you tonight at bedtime to "come Kiss his whole face"? (Cuz I told him to.. just to brighten your night and send you to bed with a smile to cheer you up!) HUGS Everything will be'll see! Aunt B~ loves all of you! *hugs*

  7. LOL I love that plate!! Too funny! Sorry to hear about Erin :( I know it's hard getting used to something & then seeing it go, but Ryder will do well with anyone! He's a trooper!
