Thursday, May 26, 2011

Conversations in Maisy’s Crib

One of Ryder’s favorite hang out spots right now is Maisy’s crib.  He has 2 stuffed animals set up in there and all her blankets.  First thing he has to do when he wakes up or gets home is go check on her crib and the animals!  He loves to sit in there and just talk and talk and talk…I finally decided to grab the camera and record one of our many conversations in Maisy’s crib:


  1. Hahaha, I just love the way he talks! "Lets count how many tattoo's!" LOL, he talks so crystal clear, what a smart boy :)

  2. He is the cutest, I swear! "Hi Mom", doesn't that make you said, what happened to mommy?!

  3. I could hear him talk all day, love that kid! He's so sweet to Maisy already... can't wait to see how he is when she's actually here. He's going to be a little Mr. Mom :)

  4. haha he is so smart & I love the way he talks, too! I can't get enough of that sweet little voice :)

  5. <3 <3 <3 love that kid!!!
