Thursday, December 30, 2010

Yaya Makes Everything Better

Every time I get sick, the first thing I think to do is call my Mom.  I don’t know what it is…I guess just hearing the compassion in her voice and knowing that she cares, or maybe it brings me back to the time when Mommy could make everything all better.  But I’ve passed the gene on to Ryder, because all day yesterday and all day today he will be sitting in my lap and ask me to “call Yaya Lolly”.  So I do, and of course she talks to him and tells him how sorry she is that he’s sick and how much she hopes he feels better.  He looks so pitiful, like he’s soaking up all the sympathy and the only things he will say back are “not peelin’ good Lolly” and “can’t talk”. 

He was definitely tugging at her heartstrings, so as only a Yaya would do…she showed up with a care package.  Chinese food for Mommy & Daddy, soup for Ryder…which he didn’t want, so she hand picked the peas and carrots out of the fried rice because it was the only thing he wanted to eat!


And, she brought Ryder a pillow pet!!!  He loves it so much and I seriously think it made him feel better!



So, as you can see, we’re still trying to get Ryder better.  He doesn’t have any cold symptoms, it’s just a really high fever that has him feeling so bad.  After his bath today, it came down to the 99 range, so that was good.  Hopefully it’s going to stay down throughout the night and tomorrow he’ll be on the up and up!  We’ll keep you posted!


  1. Your mom is just the sweetest!! Wow, I haven't really noticed Ryders hair from the back - it's getting so long!! I'm hoping all will be well with him tomorrow - and don't worry, your not the only one who still calls mom when feeling bad ;-)

  2. Those pillow pets make everything better! haha ....oh and MOMS of course!! :)

  3. I know exactly what you mean...I still want my Mom when I don't feel good :) Will we ever out grow it? I hope our kids our the same way with us when they're adults!

  4. I love his PJ's :) His hair is getting long!!!
