Thursday, December 23, 2010

13 Weeks!!

(One Day Early)…

Hellooooo 2nd Trimester!!!  OH how happy I am to see you!  Even though I’ve felt extremely bad this week from fighting a head/chest cold…I know that once I kick this sickness I’m going to start feeling much better in this pregnancy.  Here is what Alpha Mom says about this week:

Your Baby:

  • Is about three inches long, the size of a jumbo shrimp, or a very small ramekin of tartar sauce.
  • Has his or her own unique fingerprints already.
  • Has intestines on the INSIDE of his or her body. (They start developing outside the body, in the umbilical cord, and then sort of…migrate up to their proper home around 13 weeks. I know. Biology is WEIRD, dude.)
  • Will look less and less like a Big Giant Head and more and more proportionate as the next weeks tick by.


  • Are probably not puking anymore? But don’t freak out if you still are? I generally feel iffy until around week 16, although right now I’m only suffering from the occasional dry heave (on Tuesdays. Every darn Tuesday.) and have actual full days where I want to eat everything in sight because it’s all so gooooood.
  • Are probably not as tired anymore? Unless you are me? I still can’t seem to get enough sleep or make it through the day without a catnap. Although maybe I am just very lazy.
  • May start glowing soon, like everybody always talks about. The “glow” is actually just hormonal changes in your skin’s oil production, but it seems most people find it dewy and lovely instead of…ew, gross, oil.
  • Your hair and nails might be changing as well — a lot of women stop shedding hair during their pregnancies, leading to very thick heads of hair that may also grow faster. Fingernails tend to get stronger and longer as well, which I can personally attest to BEING AWESOME.

I had a Dr. Appt on Wednesday…and it was SO refreshing!  First of all, there are 7 Doctors in the practice I go to.  With Ryder, I saw a few different ones but then as soon as I became high risk, I saw the lead Doctor in the practice for the remainder of the pregnancy.  So this time around, I called to make an appointment with him, but when I showed up they had switched me to another doctor.  I stuck with the new guy thus far, but something was telling me to just get back to my comfort zone with my old doctor!  I really trusted him, he was a voice of reason for me when I was going through such a scary time with Ryder, so I knew that I wanted his opinion and advice on how to handle this pregnancy.

Well thank GOD I called and rescheduled this appointment to a time when he was available!  He was so happy to see me, and gave me the biggest hug when he came in.  He got an update on Ryder and his kidney’s, and I filled him in about Ryder suffering the stroke in-utero.  He’s also a Christian, so it’s nice to hear someone say that we have to leave this all in God’s hands.  There is no way that he can tell me that nothing is going to go wrong this time around, but he did reassure me that the 2 events that happened to Ryder were random, fluke things, and that they carried no risk over to this baby because neither one is genetic.  I will be seeing him the rest of the time, he will be performing my C-Section, and until then he just wants to follow us closely.  The other Doctor had scheduled me to see a high-risk Perinatologist at 24 weeks, which he felt was too far away, so he moved that up to January 18th (hopefully we can get a peek at the gender at that appointment since I’ll be 16 weeks!).

And to top off the wonderful appointment, I got awesome test results!  I PASSED MY DIABETES TEST!!!!!  I was SHOCKED when he said that, I made him show me my blood sugar levels on the report!!  He’s pretty sure that it’s going to come back as the pregnancy progresses though, so he’s testing me again at 20 weeks and 24 weeks.  He’s only sending me for the 1 hour though and if I fail, then we’re going to treat it as diabetes. 

I’m just excited to be able to eat whatever I want for the holiday’s…and to put off having to prick my finger 4 times a day!  I made it through the whole 1st trimester without gaining a pound…don’t ask me how, I guess the extra stuff I’m already carrying is just shifting around.  Fine with me!

I also got to hear the heartbeat again…it was 158bpm :)

Sorry, no pic this week…I have been so sick and I don’t even want to know what I look like, much less show you!


  1. BRANDY! I just stumbled onto your blog when I was looking up info about National Kidney Walk (One of my little cousins had a kidney issue and my son was born with a minor one so my Aunt was asking me if I'd heard about the walk). I was totally shocked when I saw a picture of you! Your son is ADORABLE! Email me, I want to catch up!

    Kim(Bryan) Hayes

    (I don't have a blog, so I don't know how the "comment as" thing below works...sorry it says anonymous!)

  2. Hope you're feeling better today! Can't wait for Jan exciting to get another peek at him/her!!

  3. Brandy this is wonderful news, with everything!!
