Friday, December 10, 2010

11 Weeks!

Getting closer and closer to the 2nd trimester, which makes me happier and happier!  Here is what Alpha Mom has to say about this week:

Your Baby:

  • Is the size of a small lemon or large lime. With a twist! Yeah, we’re done with the bean and nut comparisons and have moved onto fruit. Next stop, small household appliances!
  • Is officially a fetus, and is downright human-baby looking with non-webbed fingers and toes, although s/he needs a lot more cooking and fattening up.
  • Is moving and kicking and dancing and even hiccuping, although you won’t be able to feel the acrobatics for a few more weeks (sometime between weeks 16 and 20).


  • Please, it’s just all more of the same. The pregnancy books are all yapping about how much better and less sick/exhausted/crabby we should be feeling by now, and I spent a very productive morning hurling several particularly annoying tomes at the wall.

I’m so happy to report that I’ve been feeling much less nauseous the past few days!  Hopefully that part is over with and I’ll start feeling better overall.  I’m still tired, but I also have a high-energy 20 month old, so I’d probably be tired regardless!

I had a Dr. appt today…and…I failed my diabetes test!  GREAT!  Now I have to suffer through the 3 hour glucose test, which I’m sure will end up with the same results.  I asked if I could just skip the 3 hour and have diabetes, but the Dr. felt there was still a chance I could pass, so he’s making me get it done.  All of my other bloodwork looked great though, so that’s a plus!  AND I got to hear the baby’s heartbeat today!  That’s always such a comforting feeling for a Mommy.  Makes you remember in that moment that every ache, pain, and failed diabetes test is absolutely worth the reward you get after a long 9 months!  I have another appointment in a week and a half to go over my 3 hour test results, so I’ll be sure to update with the final answer!

Here we are at 11 weeks (and Big Brother with all of his tattoos…thanks Aunt B!):

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  1. Man I was hoping you passed urgh lets just hope the three hour one ends with a better result. I remember that awful test too, I feel your pain Brandy but like you said - the reward is SO worth it! Hang in there, just one more week until Tri-2, yay!!

  2. I hope that you pass the 3 hour test with flying colors! :) But just in case, pig out this week and eat all the chocolate you want, haha. Happy 11 weeks!

  3. Your belly is so cute!! Praying you pass!

  4. Awww look at that little tough guy with all his tat's and no shirt ;) I hope your morning sickness doesnt come back & you pass the 3 hour test! Love your little belly!!

  5. I'm glad you're feeling better and I hope you don't have to start that funky diet!!
