Friday, December 3, 2010

10 Weeks!

Here’s what’s going on this week with the pregnancy:

Your Baby:

  • Will officially be considered a fetus by the end of this week.
  • Is over an inch long, maybe by as much as 3/4 of ANOTHER WHOLE INCH. That’s almost TWO INCHES.
  • That’s about the size of a…hmm…*glances frantically around room*…okay, it’s slightly bigger than a really big coat button, but not quite as long as a AA battery. There.
  • Has a heartbeat strong enough to be heard via a Doppler.
  • Most congenital conditions appear before the end of week 10, meaning the most delicate and critical development period is over. You can breathe a sigh of relief over that, but…uh, I wouldn’t go celebrate the milestone with a bathtub of gin, or anything.


  • Might be starting to feel just the teensiest bit better, symptom-wise. Morning sickness “typically” peaks around week nine, but you have my permission to tell me to shove that “typical” business up my ass.
  • Just like I just flipped the double bird at my copy of Your Pregnancy Week by Week for telling me that I don’t need maternity clothes yet. Look, my bump may be 75% methane gas at this point, but that doesn’t mean my gasbaby should be made to suffer constricting waistbands.
  • New bras might be a good idea, as I recently discovered after seeing a photo of myself taken by someone else and oh look! Armpit boobs!
  • Well, I’ve felt sick pretty much every day this week and have been having a lot of food aversions.  So that’s not fun!  But I’ve also been fighting a sinus headache, so that might be the culprit of the extra-not-feeling-good-ness.  I got all of my bloodwork done yesterday, including my 1 hour glucose test, so I should get those results back sometime next week.  Other than that, I’ve got my eyes fixed on the bright light at the end of this tunnel called the 2nd trimester!!  That should get rid of this yuck feeling, and bring back my energy level, so bring it on :)



    1. Woo Hoo for double digits! :) Hope you start feeling better soon! Can't wait to hang out this weekend!

    2. What a pretty momma :) I hope you start feeling better asap!!!!

    3. Just two more weeks girl you can do it ;-) I hope you get some relief though in the mean time.
      Anxious to hear about those test results - let me know!!!

    4. I love that baby belly!!! Start feeling better soon!! I know you can't wait for that! Let me know the results too :)

    5. You look great! It is really flying by.
