Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!!

And we couldn’t be more excited over here!  Mommy & Daddy went shopping on Sunday and got almost all of our Christmas shopping done, so now we have a closet full of goodies and lots of wrapping to do!

Ryder made his very first gift at therapy the other day…a picture for Daddy!


We gave it to him as soon as we got home because…well Ryder can’t exactly keep a secret right now!  This is a very special gift because Lefty helped make it!  I love how it is not finished, which is totally Ryder’s style…it was fun for a little bit, and then…on to the next activity!

Ryder got a letter from Santa Claus delivered to Nana’s house last week!  When I went to pick him up, I got to read it.


We haven’t talked to Ryder much about Santa Claus, actually I don’t know that I’ve ever mentioned him at all yet.  So it was pretty funny the other day when someone asked Ryder “are you excited about Santa Claus coming???” and I totally expected him to have a blank stare in return, but instead he said “Santa Claus bring you TOYS!!!!”  Well, alright then.

I was pretty shocked to walk outside yesterday to this:


Our FIRST SNOW!!!  I’m telling you, it’s beginning to look, and feel, and smell, a LOT like Christmas!!


  1. It's supposed to snow again tomorrow!!! I hope we have another white Christmas this year :) Love the picture he made for Alan..so cute!

  2. I couldn't believe the snow either! It was a shock!

    I love Ryder's little picture. Very cute!

  3. YAY for lefty!!!
    I too was shocked when I walked out of the house to see snow =( lol I can't wait for summer!! =)
