Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

We had such a wonderful Christmas, I really don’t think it could have gone any better at all!  Ryder is at the perfect age this year and made Christmas that much more special for us and everyone around him.  He had the best expressions when he opened his presents, some of my favorites were “Thank you GUYS!!!”, “Wooo-Hoooo”, and “I LOVES IT!”  He definitely understood the meaning of the celebration of the whole day, so any time anyone would ask him whose Birthday it was, he would say “JESUS!!!” 

I woke up around 6am and just paced around, trying to make sure everything was perfect, and anxiously waiting for Ryder to wake up.  Finally around 7:15 he made his first little moan, so Me & Daddy rushed in his room to tell him MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!  When we brought him out to the living room, the first thing he saw was his new car!  He ran sooooo fast over to it and wanted to play right away!




He would have been perfectly happy if this were the only present he got!  But of course, there were more and so we had to convince him to get out of his car and start opening presents!  He was sure glad he did because his next present was a vaccuum!!!  To say that he’s excited about having his very own vaccuum is an understatement!



He loved these 2 presents so much that he wanted to combine them, so he needed his vacuum in his car so he could drive it around!


He opened the rest of his presents and helped Daddy put everything together and we played for a while before heading over to Poppy & Nana’s for breakfast and more presents!

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We couldn’t pull him away from his new toys…SO…the vaccuum had to come WITH US!  He even told us “put it in the middle seat!” and then when Daddy put it in the car, he said “There you go, nice & warm!” 

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We had a delicious breakfast at Poppy & Nana’s and then Ryder got to open another AWESOME present…he got a GRILL so he can BBQ just like Poppy!



We all got spoiled at Poppy & Nana’s house and had a blast opening up all our goodies :)


After that it was nap time (for our whole family!) and then time to get back in the car and head to Me-Mew’s house.  I didn’t take any pictures there, but I did in the car because Ryder’s face was making me laugh.

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After that…no our day was not over yet…Yaya came over so Ryder could show her all of his toys!  Of course, he got right to showing off his vacuum “It’s Red like Yaya’s!!”

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Then we went back over to Poppy & Nana’s for a late night snack and so Ryder could “see da grillll” one more time before bed.  Then, back home and ready to be tucked in…but not before he insisted on the vacuum laying on a pillow right beside his bed. 


And that was our fun-filled Christmas day.  It was so very special, and I love this family that I get the joy of sharing life with!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas too :)


  1. I love the journey of the vacuum throughout the day!!! That is so flipping funny!

  2. What a great Christmas you guys had!! Ryder's expression with that vacuum was soooo cute!

  3. Oh my gosh that picture with all those gifts in it...thats alot! Check out our blog...Gavin got the same gift...the car! Those things are a kid fav! So glad you all had a blessed Christmas and Ryder finally got a vacuum! haha!

  4. I think all kids love a vacuum! My boys had one too, it will teach them to be good husbands:)

  5. Ryder looks like he is having a blast in every picture! I love the one where he's smiling with his vacuum :) SOO cute! Glad you guys had a good Christmas!

  6. Ryder looks too cute in his little car along side his vaccum LOL I'm glad you all had a great Christmas =)

  7. He looks soooo happy in every picture!!! Glad Santa brought him everything he wanted and so much more!!

  8. Oh my goodness; i love the grill!!! I've never seen one.

    Merry Christmas, Marsh's!!

  9. OMG - Alexa has the same car in pink, of course :) Anyways, she LOVES her car, she always gets in a says, "BYEEEEEE!" I hope Ryder enjoys it!

    OK, and we are at the "vacuum stage" too! LOL, where did you get Ryder's?
