Wednesday, December 29, 2010

So Sick :(


Just when I thought that we had made it without Ryder catching any of the germs he has been around…he woke up crying at 3am.  I can tell from the sound of his very first middle of the night cry when he is sick.  I went in to check on him, and sure enough he was burning up with a fever.  I gave him medicine and had to go back in to console him a few more times throughout the night.  I took him to the Doctor first thing this morning because I knew he had been exposed to so many different sicknesses over the Christmas break.  I figured he had something but I was definitely shocked when they told me that he tested positive for both Strep Throat AND the Flu! 

They gave him a shot of Penicillin, and we left with prescriptions for Amantadine and Tamiflu.  I’ve been trying to keep fluids in him all day and we’ve been getting plenty of rest.  He’s so funny because he will get a little burst of energy and then come over to me and say “not peelin’ good…need-a take-a nap in Mommy’s bed” and off we go to lay down.  He’s never been much of a cuddler, so me & Daddy definitely take advantage of the sick days when his favorite medicine is our lovin’.



  1. Poor Ryder! I hope that medicine kicks in quick and he's back to his normal self soon. Until then, I know you're loving the snuggling and ROCKING! ;-)

  2. Nick told me about this last night =( poor little guy! I wish we could wrap our babies in some bubble wrap and send them on their way each day ;-) I hope he feels better soon!!

  3. Poor guy :( I hope he gets better so soon!! I love that little grin on Alan's face! Take advantage of the cuddling! That's so sweet he tells you he needs to take a nap... in Mommy's bed :)

  4. Poor baby! Give him a squeeze from me!

  5. Poor baby!!!! :( I hope he feels better soon!

  6. Poor baby! I hope the medicine starts working quick and he's not sick for long!! Feel better Ryder!
