Friday, December 31, 2010

14 Weeks!!

Here is what Alpha Mom says about this week:

Your Baby:

  • Is about the size of your fist, unless you have giant man-hands or something, so maybe I should just compare it to a peach instead.
  • Has a strong, whoosh-whooshy heartbeat that can usually be found pretty easily now with a doppler. It’s much faster than yours (between 120 – 160 bpm), and sounds vaguely like a washing machine.
  • Has probably started sucking its thumb.


  • Should be noticing a definite decrease in some of the more crap symptoms from the first trimester, although fatigue and nausea do tend to stick around a little longer for some women.
  • Probably aren’t as bothered by breast tenderness anymore, although your boobs will continue to grow in size in the weeks and months ahead. Reassess your bra size periodically and make sure you aren’t mashing the girls into something you’ve outgrown.
  • If this is your first pregnancy, you may FINALLY feel like you’re starting to “show” with a little belly pooch.
  • If this is your second (or third or fourth or etc.) pregnancy, you’ve probably been in maternity clothes or been rubber-banding your pants for a few weeks already, so pffft.

This week has been such a blur to me, with me being sick and then Christmas and then Ryder getting sick, so I haven’t had much time to focus on the pregnancy.  One MAJOR thing that happened is I felt the baby flutter for sure on Christmas morning!  I’ve been feeling a few flutters sitting at my desk, but wasn’t convinced that it was the real deal…but when I felt it Christmas morning as I was sitting on the couch eating candy out of my stocking, I was SURE!  I don’t think much else has changed…I really don’t have an appetite these days, which I think is stemming from being sick.  I just can’t get back to feeling normal.  Hopefully it will happen soon, because I love food, and I miss actually liking what I’m eating.  Other than that, nothing new really.  It’s funny because this whole pregnancy I have felt like my stomach is HUGE already…but I looked at some pictures of myself pregnant with Ryder and the comparison at week 14 isn’t too far off.

Pregnant with Ryder @ 14 weeks:

14 Weeks

And with Baby Marsh v2 @ 14 weeks:

092 (2)

14 Down, 26 to go :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy 14 weeks! Here's to a great 2010 and an awesome 2011 coming up with our new little bundles of joy! :)
