Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tattoos, Brooms, and Tricks!

Ryder, in all of his Rockstar coolness, LOVES tattoos!  If you have a tattoo he will be sure to point it out and will never forget exactly where your tattoo is.  Lately he has been asking for tattoo’s of his own, so lastnight he had a seat in Uncle G’s tattoo parlor to get started on his sleeve!





Deep down, I think we all know that I’m hoping Ryder doesn’t turn 18 and run to the real tattoo parlor to get a sleeve!  But he’s 1, so it’s cool for now…I have 17 years to fret about that!

After his manly tattoo appointment, it was time to get some sweeping done!  He got the coolest new broom from ReRe, that he doesn’t actually call a broom, he calls it “ReRe got you dis!”

079 080


It was the first thing he wanted when he got home from Nana’s today.  His broom talks to him while he sweeps, which he thinks is the funniest thing.  And he was confused when he got to Nana’s today and found his regular broom but it didn’t talk.  He brought it over to me and said “mommy its broken!” 

Lately I’ve felt like Ryder is our little dog that we teach tricks to and then get him to perform out in public.  The things that he says and remembers are just so hilarious that it’s hard not to get him to repeat them, because we know other people will get a laugh out of it to.  So without further ado…Ryder’s latest “trick”:


  1. HAHA I get such a kick out of hearing Ryder's voice - it's a dollar BILL - lol almost sounds like he's got a southern accent or something ;-)

  2. OMG that is soo funny and the cutest thing ever!! I love how he says "dollar bill" haha. Alan is too funny too - "he takes it all anyways"! Haha.

  3. So cute...love the tattoos, haha! And how smart that he knows it's George Washington on the Dollar beeeeaaaallll :)

  4. He is just so stinkin cute! I love the tattoo!
