Tuesday, December 28, 2010

This Little Mouth…


The things that come out of this mouth are just unreal sometimes.  He gets his tone and enthusiasm from his Mommy, so you can only imagine how exciting his words are as they come out! 

He has some expressions that he uses on a daily basis.  Like “What’s goin’ on maaannnnn”, “what we gonna do now?”, “What time is it??”, “OH GOODNESS!”, “Dere we goooo” and “Ryda, Ryda, Ryda” when he has nothing else to say, he just mumbles his name.

He’s pretty independent these days and is able to tell us anything he wants or needs…or tell other people what they need to be doing.  “Get outta my face Beeezaaweee!”, “bump-a-head…kiss it…all betta”, “its naptime!”, “turn da dvd playass onnn!”…this one needs its own paragraph…

The DVD players in the car give me anxiety.  He shouts orders from the backseat, and sometimes there’s just nothing I can do to help him.  It all starts when he wants it on, he tells me “plug da dvd playa in!” then follows up with “its onnnn” then “don’t press play mommy!” Okay Ryder, tell me when you’re ready, “okay, press play”…”Put it on pawwse”, “press play”, “wanna watch elmo ride da bike again”, “wanna watch elmo play da guitaaa”.  I really need to find the remote these things came with, watch the movie and memorize it, so that I know where all the parts are. *end vent*.

He never misses anything, there is no privacy or hiding anything from him.  And since he announces everything he sees, you’re sure to hear about it.  “Mommy goin’ potty…proud of you!!!”, “Daddy kissin’ mommy!”, “Mommy get off da computaaa!”

Everything ends in Y right now ever since Mama & Dada became Mommy & Daddy.  Yaya, pronounced LaLa by Ryder is now Lolly!  Nana is Nanny.  So Banana is Bananny.  And no way Jose is “no way Joseyyyy”.

Some of the most interesting things that come out of this little mouth are things that he learns from Uncle G.  Today as he was giving himself a tattoo with a black pen he said to himself “gotta keep da needle wet!”  really??!!  Whenever Uncle G leaves, he tells Ryder he’s going back to tent city…just trying to be funny saying that he’s homeless.  So when Uncle G is not around, Ryder will seriously ask “go see Uncle G at tent city!”  When he sees Uncle G’s truck, he says “Uncle G truck a beater…kick da tire!”  And everyone’s favorite…when Uncle G lets Ryder play with his phone he tells him “dont be calling China”, so whenever Ryder has anyone’s phone if you ask who he’s calling he will usually tell you “China’s house”.  Those two are so silly together, but definitely have a bond that only the two of them could have!

“Aint” is the newest word in his vocabulary…yes, the word that isn’t a word, that people cringe at hearing come out of a child’s mouth.  That’s my country bumpkin kid.  “ain’t goin bye-bye’s”, “ain’t pickin up da toys”, “ain’t puttin’ a hat on”.  My answer to that…OH YES YOU IS!

He knows his very first song and can be heard walking around the house, or in the car, singing “da eensy weensy spida, up da spout, down came da rain, washa spida out!”  I could listen to his little singing voice all day.  Seriously.

His favorite story in the Bible is still the one when the Devil takes Jesus to the desert and tempts him.  As we read he says “Go away devilll, we dont YIKE YOU!” and then he says “awwww kiss Jesus” and gives Jesus kisses as he swats the devil away.

Oh this little mouth is so sweet.  When I tell him it’s time to go night-night he turns into the sweetest baby alive.  First he finds his Daddy and says “goo-night Daddy” then asks for a bear hug, then an eskimo kiss, then a butterfly kiss, then “da other side”, then a secret…and thennnn Mommy can take him and lay him down.  And he finally says “loves you Mommy, loves you Daddy”. 

This mouth has a lot of “no’s” and “don’t wanna’s” come out of it…but at the end of the day, it always ends with words that will melt your heart and make you so thankful for every breath this child takes. 


  1. This post made me laugh....he cracks me up with the things he says and the things he remembers others saying!!

  2. I was literally laughing out loud throughout reading this entire post, especially the one with Uncle G LOL he really does have the sweetest sounding voice!

  3. Hearing the new things that they say is def entertaining!!! He is such a smart boy :)
