Monday, October 4, 2010

Team Ryder Update!

KidneyWalk 014 small

It’s almost that time of year again!!  We have about a month before the 2010 Kidney Walk and we are already over half way to our goal of raising $2,000 to support the National Kidney Foundation! 

kidney collage

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has made a donation already and to those who have joined the team!  For those who haven’t but still want to, log onto where you can choose to join or donate.  While you’re there, make sure you click the “Honorary Family” link to read about why we love Ryder’s kidneys so much :)

kidney collage 2

We will have Team Ryder shirts made again this year and will have to get the order in by next Friday, so if you plan to participate, make sure you have joined by then.  And if you’re already on the team, email me your shirt size.

If you have any questions at all feel free to email me!

Hope to see you on November 7th for a little 3 mile walk that makes a whole LOT of difference!


  1. The Vathes family is looking forward to walking with you guys this year =) lol
    Definitely count us in for the shirts (Madalynn too)

  2. Bailey & I are looking forward to supporting you guys & Ryder! ;)

  3. Ryder, Kenzie and I are so proud of you.

    His little poster is so cute!! :)

  4. Can't wait! Count me in.. and maybe an extra shirt, just in case ;) lol

  5. I wish we could be there to walk with all of you and Ryder! You guys are going to have so much fun! That is the day after my shower Liz is throwing for me :)
