Monday, October 11, 2010

Allergic to Cats!!


Poor baby just can’t catch a break sometimes!  It might be hard to see in the picture because I took these on my cell phone, but Ryder woke up this morning with a horrible rash on his face & neck, and his left eye swollen shut!  I immediately knew that he was allergic to cats because Me & Alan both are and we were at a house yesterday where there was a cat.  One time we were at Nick & Lindsay’s who have a cat (sorry Shelby!) and Ryder had an allergic reaction the next day…but I wasn’t convinced that it was from the cat since the symptoms were delayed.  Now that it has happened again, I am positive that he’s allergic to cats and his Doctor agreed.  We’ve been giving him Benadryl all day which has helped with the swelling but not so much the rash which is all over his face, neck, and chest.  Hopefully it will clear up soon!



  1. Poor guy! Hope he's feeling better soon!!

  2. poor little pookie! so glad he's not allergic to dogs!

  3. aw his poor eyes!! I can't believe he's allergic too =(

  4. Those photos are priceless, he's so damn precious!

  5. awww, poor guy! I hope he feels better soon. If you need a reason not to like cats than this is IT people! Look what they did to Ryders cute face!
