Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fun Day Outside

It was such a beautiful day today!  I kind of wish the weather would make up its mind whether it wants to be warm or cold so that I could figure out how to dress my child, but it was nice for another warm day to show its face amongst all the cold ones we’ve been having.

Today me & Ryder headed to MD to hang out with Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins on Alan’s Moms side.  We started off by going to a skeet shoot…aka a huge field of dirt where we watched the guys (and some of the girls!) shoot guns.  The guns didn’t even bother Ryder, he was skeptical at first, but after about 5 minutes he was clapping saying “Guns, POW POW!”  But mainly he was just happy to have so much dirt to play in!

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After a while, we decided to leave and take the kids to the Pumpkin Patch!  Ryder had a blast and saw so many of his friends there.  He saw Bryce, Lance, Ryan, Mikayla, Owen, and Madalynn!  It was the perfect day to be outside and he had a blast with all of the activities, especially the petting zoo, playing in the corn, and riding the train!  He’s so lucky to have older cousins who like to hang out with him and show him the ropes:

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We never actually made it over to the patch of pumpkins…but we still managed to see the cutest pumpkin in the patch! :-)


1 comment:

  1. Now I am EVEN MORE excited to take Carter to the pumkin patch! Looks like so much fun!! :) Love that picture of Ryder and Jacob touching noses, lol too cute!
