Tuesday, October 19, 2010

19 Months!!

Well, we’re getting closer and closer to having a 2 year old, and we sure are feeling the affects!  Our sweet, well-behaved, logical little boy has decided over the weekend to start throwing temper tantrums.  If this is a glimpse of what age 2 has in store for us…I’m trying really hard to hit the breaks and stay where we’re at for now!  This little guy is so busy and so full of life, he is such a joy to have around (the other 99% of the time when he’s not rolling on the floor crying for NO reason!).  Here’s what he’s up to these days:

  • He still weighs 20 pounds and wears 12 month clothes.  I bought his whole fall/winter wardrobe in 18 months and am trying to move him up, some fit and others just fall right off of him.
  • Even though he doesn’t gain an ounce, he eats great!!  I’ve never had an issue getting him to eat, and I can’t think of any food that he refuses to eat.  When he’s with Yaya he eats really interesting foods like cauliflower, spinach, and zucchini!
  • He loves to play trucks and dirt bikes and make them do wheely’s, he loves playing in his fort, and will drop anything to go on a Golf Cart ride.  Now that it is getting colder, Daddy will tell him “if you want to go for a ride you need to get pants, shoes, and a jacket” and he will go running to his room yelling “PANT! SHOES! JACK!”  It amazes me that he can remember all three instructions!
  • On that note, he has got an amazing memory!  He will hear something one time and repeat it for weeks, or bring something up this week that happened two weeks ago that we all forgot about.  Watching him learn his animals and sounds is a perfect example, you tell him today what an animal says and he will tell you tomorrow the name and sound it makes without even being reminded!
  • He has moved on from just saying one word at a time.  Now he is putting 3 and sometimes 4 words together!  He’s usually bossing us around “sit down mama!” “dada come play!” “let dogs out!” and he even tells himself what to do “Ryder sit” “Ryder do it” “Ryder night-night”.
  • He’s understanding a little bit about his situation now too.  The other day I heard him say to himself “two hands…good boy!!”  Which of course made me so proud!  He said that while he was sweeping, because he still has an obsession with the broom! 

The main difference that I see in Ryder this month is how much he loves being able to walk around…and with that comes the fact that he is ALL OVER THE PLACE now!  People said that would happen, and they were absolutely right.  Once he figured out how to walk, he is non-stop now.  I can’t even keep his room clean because faster than I can put things away, he is at each little station tearing things down and throwing them around, and it isn’t just contained to his room.  He is…all…over…the…place!  I love his energy and his mind and his silliness and his smile and I even love his fake cry when he has thrown himself on the floor being dramatic over nothing. 

Here’s a video of his business…this is how it is from the time he opens his eyes in the morning until the time he shuts them at night! 


  1. He is so cute. I love the videos. Soon Alan will be telling him "go get jeans, socks, tennis shoes and a jacket if you want to ride the vroom vroom!" and he will do all of it, hop on and go just like Bradley does now!

  2. I love hearing him talk! And the bone in his throat thing was HILARIOUS! Oh my gosh, you've got a little comedian on your hands :)

  3. Gosh.. he's just doing so great with everything, you can actually have mini conversations with him now!! I bet that is so cool :) He's definitely got his daddy's jokester side to him too.. Hilarious.. never a dull moment in the Marsh house <3

  4. I could listen to him all day long lol he's such a sweet boy - and of course smart one too!! =)

  5. *taps fingers* (Aunt B's waiting for a new one) *winks*

  6. *checks watch...... drums fingers on desk ....... keeps refreshing browser.....*
    (do you get the hint?) I LOOOOOOOOVE TO READ THESE... I look forward to them,.... it's become a part of my day to CHECK THE BLOG,!!! HUGS... you three are just the cutest most sweetest lil family.... Aunt B is SO VERY PROUD of all of you I'm so happy for the three of you!! STAY HAPPY, God Bless! HUGS!
