Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Box: Part II


So there we lived, crammed into the teeniest tiniest place, and surprisingly we were content.  We would stand up on the hill, talk about where the log cabin would go and how beautiful the views would be and how much we couldn’t wait to sit on our porch with a cup of coffee to take it all in.

Then we would walk back down to The Box, sit on our bed (the only place to sit) and just be together.  We played hundreds of games of War, and Spades, watched movies, told stories, and laughed.  We had bonfires, taught Beasley how to swing from a rope that was hanging on a tree in the yard, and even had a flood one morning when the sink fell out of the wall while Alan was brushing his teeth. 

One very special night…3 days before Christmas, we came home from having dinner with friends and on our counter was a huge BOX.  My mind was going in a million different directions, What is that?  How did it get here?  Someone must have been in our house!  What is going on?  Alan acted equally as confused.  We walked over to the box, it was wrapped in brown packing paper and decorated in crayons.  “To Mommy & Daddy ~ Love Beasley”.  At that point I just started laughing, I knew that one of our parents must have brought us an early Christmas present from the dog.  We sat on the ground and opened the box and in it were 3 separate packages.  One for Daddy who opened his and found a card with a gift certificate inside that read “Daddy, this is for you to take Mommy out to dinner”.  The next one was for Beasley…some treats wrapped up for herself, I guess she felt she deserved it after so much work pulling this present off.  And the final box was for Mommy.  It was a card that read:


I peaked up from reading the card, not exactly sure what was happening, and there was Alan, on one knee with a beautiful ring asking me to marry him with the sweetest grin on his face that I can still picture to this day.  I started sobbing crying, I laid flat on the kitchen floor and sobbed, I couldn’t believe this was really happening, I cried so hard that I was hyperventilating.  This is the perfect picture of our relationship, there I laid being as dramatic as possible, and there he knelt by my side, as patient as possible, just waiting for me to snap back to and say yes.  And I did!  Who knew how much joy a little box, inside of a bigger box, inside of The Box could bring that night.

I immediately started planning our wedding (who am I kidding, I already had the whole thing planned out in my head!) but there was one stipulation.  Alan told me the night that he proposed that he would not marry me and bring me back to The Box.  Therefore, if a wedding was going to take place, we had just over a year to figure out our living situation.

More to come…


  1. Ahhhh I remember that text message like it was yesterday! So sweet!

  2. You could seriously make a living out of this. I can't wait. When I went to read your blog tonight I thought "Man... I love Ryder... but I want more Box."

  3. I remember when you called that day and told me Alan got a blow-out hahaha, i think you knew right then that something was up!!! Ryder is going to LOVE reading this when he grows up :)

  4. This is great!!! Finish it up in the next post I can't take it!!!

  5. aww, how sweet! I've never heard that part of the story! Can't wait for the rest!

  6. Brandy, you do such a great job giving every detail to picture in my mind! I swear I have images running through my mind just imaging what all was happening! I can't wait to read more!!!!

  7. That is so sweet! Alan is good! Glad there was the stipulation about not living in the box since it had flooded :) You are such a great story teller too!

  8. This story is nothing short of amazing! I cannot wait for more.

  9. I love this story... it gave me goose bumps! =)

  10. Aww.. I cried a little reminiscing with you in the story. I remember getting that text.. I couldn't' have been happier for you and Alan!! That was such a rememberable and unique proposal!! You two are perfect for each other and you've made such an amazing little joy (Ryder of course)! Can't wait to listen to the rest of the story and bring back the memories!!! Love ya <3
