Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Meet Baby Nick!

Before we all go goo-goo-gaa-gaa over the new baby, I have to tell a story:

rydershirt2 rydershirt

Ryder wore this shirt to Nana’s today in honor of Karen (Nana’s youngest daughter), the new Mommy.  She had Baby Nicholas 2.5 weeks ago, and just like Ryder he was premature and had to spend his first couple weeks in the NICU.  While Baby Nick was in the NICU, Karen stayed at her Moms house (where Ryder spends his days) and was pumping milk around the clock to bring to the NICU (brings back so many memories!).  Every time Karen went to pump, where do you think Ryder was???  Right behind her yelling “PUMP!”  He insisted on keeping her company, and announcing to the whole house that that’s what they were doing.  Ryder definitely bonded with Karen in these past few weeks and even curled up in her lap and fell asleep the first day that she had to come home without the baby.  Baby Nick is home now (they are still staying at Nana’s) and Ryder was a little jealous the first day.  But now he has gotten used to having the baby around and talks about him non-stop in the evenings.  It usually goes something like “Baby Nick, awwww, Wal-mart”…don’t ask me, maybe that’s where he thinks babies come from (or maybe he wants to return him!)

Okay, enough rambling, meet Nicholas Jesse…Ryder’s newest cousin and the most precious little baby boy that I got to hold and snuggle this morning :)

Nicholas Jesse


  1. LOL - that's hilarious. I can just hear him saying "pump" right now, haha. What a sweet baby!!

  2. Oh my gosh, where did he get that shirt? LOL, too funny!!!

    Aww what a sweet little guy Ryder is, cheering Karen on! & baby nick is adorable :) Glad he's finally home!

  3. Awe! I love new babies.

    Ryder's shirt is so funny!!

  4. Ryder is sooo funny! The new baby is adorable!
