Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ryder’s Favorite Things!

It’s about time for another Favorite Things post since Ryder is much older and more mature likes way cooler things than he did HERE at 11 months old!  He is now 19 months old and here are some of his favorite things:


The Broom

Ryder loves to sweep, no matter where he is, he will find a broom and it will keep him entertained for hours.  Of course he wants everyone around to sweep too, and sometimes he’ll even ask you to sing a song while you sweep.  For whatever reason, he loves the broom, but you better not have the dustpan attached to it, because that just makes him mad!

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Vienna Sausages

You don’t have to tell me how gross and strange this is…but this boy LOVES Vienna Sausages!!  He can even say the whole name and asks for them!  He likes to carry the jar around for a while until he’s ready for someone to open it.  Then after every bite he says “mmmm…goood!”

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His Fort

Although he does like to go in the original fort under his bed still, he has a new favorite fort that was a hand-me-down from his cousin Max.  He sits in his Thomas the Train fort, then comes out, grabs as many animals/toys/books as he can and crams everything in there with him, then starts yelling “Mama IN!  Dada IN!  Sit down!”  I think he wishes we could all just live in the fort (Obviously he wasn’t around for The Box days or he would feel differently!).




Ryder absolutely loves to ride on anything that he can.  The golf cart, his wagon, bikes, cars, whatever…as long as it has wheels and moves!  The other day I went to a baby shower and got back to find the boys doing this:



The Garage

Pop-Pop’s Garage is one of Ryder’s all time favorite places to go.  There is so much to do, so much to look at, so much stuff that he can get his hands dirty playing with.  I think he thinks he owns the place, and Pop-pop doesn’t argue with him!  You can ask Ryder where pretty much anything in the garage is and he’ll show you: Daddy’s bike, Pop-Pop’s bike, the deer, the bear, the snake skins (he tells you which one is the copperhead and which one is the rattlesnake), the broom, where the golf cart and bike keys are kept, his bikes…he has a serious inventory on that place!

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His Animals

At the end of the day, when all of his fun has been had, his favorite thing to come home to are his animals.  He insists on having every single one of them in bed with him too, and somehow he knows if one is missing and he will be adamant that we find it and bring it to him before he can fall asleep.  As of right now, he has Blaize, Butch, Chick, Cookie Monster, Elmo, Lamb, Baby Lamb, Monkey, Big Blank, and Little Blank.  The boy loves his animals!


That’s all for now…but one day you’re IN and the next day you’re OUT around here, so check back in a few months to see what has changed!  As always, Ryder will forever be Mommy & Daddy’s #1 favorite thing!


  1. That picture of Alan trailing Ryder around is so funny, and very creative - good job Alan! And how in the world do you keep up with all of those animal names? Ryder is so precious; love those cheeks!

  2. I love learning about Ryder and see why they are so much fun for him! Maybe not the sausages though! Hes on his own with that one but if he ever got Bradley to like them I would buy them by the case!

  3. I can't wait to see what changes in a few months, it's crazy how much they grow in such little time!

  4. I know I speak for everyone in saying he gets cuter everytime I see him!! I love the picture of him on his little motorcycle - he looks like such a big boy =)
