Thursday, October 28, 2010

Skeleton x2

My little skeleton this year:


And last year:


I really thought I was going to look at these pictures and say “Look how much time has gone by!” but the only real differences are his hair and teeth! 

Oh how I love my sweet little skeleton.  Even though I have to chase him around just to get a picture of him these days!

He got into the cotton balls:


Threw treats to the dogs out the window:


Read his “Jesus Book”:


And ran from me every time I tried to take his picture!

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Maybe one day he’ll sit still again…


  1. Oh my gosh, that picture from last year is SO cute! He does look the same besides the hair :). Sit still again? Ha...not anytime in our near future! ;)

  2. Bradley never sits still! Im hoping like you are too though!

  3. I think Nicki's right, I dont see sitting still for many years to come lol! But its okay, it keeps us active and on our toes ;) He is the cutest little skeleton ever!

  4. That little sweet face looks just the same from last year to this year!! He's so adorable! It's funny that he's running away from you when you want to take his pictures now! I told you it wouldn't be long :)
