Friday, October 29, 2010

5 Weeks!

I’m pregnant!!! In case it hasn’t hit you yet!  Or maybe I just needed to type out the words so that it would actually sink in for me…because it hasn’t yet. 

I love the weekly updates that Nicki found on the Alpha Mom blog, so I’m going to use those for my weekly posts too!  They are funny and I enjoy reading them, so I’ll share them with you weekly as things progress!

Your baby:

  • Is about the size of a sesame seed.
  • Looks more like a tadpole than a human-variety baby.
  • Making developmental leaps and bounds by the hour like a GENIUS CHILD.


  • Are totally for-real pregnant, with a positive home pregnancy test to prove it and everything.
  • Are definitely popping a prenatal vitamin everyday.
  • If you don’t FEEL very pregnant yet, don’t panic. It’s early. Breast tenderness and fatigue may be all you’ve got at this point.
  • Oh, and yes, it is time to stop smoking, drinking, doing drugs and licking inner-city mailboxes, if you’re into that sort of thing.

Sorry to disappoint but I will not be including any belly pics until my belly actually looks like new-baby-belly, not left-over-Ryder-belly!  I’m feeling good, the only symptoms I have so far are HEARTBURN (just like with Ryder!) and feeling light-headed a lot.  I’m anxious to see the Doctor, my first appointment is November 8th, to see what is in store for the next 9 months.  I’m not sure how all of Ryder’s complications are going to play into this pregnancy, but you know that will be my first question!  I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with Ryder, so I went ahead and started the diet.  I figured it’s better for the baby just to be safe, and that way if I do have it again it won’t be traumatic to have to stop pigging out! 

5 down…35 to go!


  1. I think the part about you where it says "You are totally for-real pregnant" made me really believe that you are. It hasn't sank into me yet either! I cannot wait! But when you say 5 down 35 to go, that makes it seem so far away but I know that little bundle of joy will be here before we know it and Ryder will be the best big brother ever!!

  2. Yay for 5 weeks, you're 1/8th of the way there !! :) Trust flies by this time around.

  3. Not to be a downer but I still have left-over Lance and Ryan belly 4 years later! That darn thing never seems to go away even after all the crunches in the world! And my children are gracious enough to tell me on occasion that mommy's tummy is jiggly!!! Gotta love them!

  4. I'm a little late on congratulating you, but CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so exited for you guys! I can't wait to have another Marsh baby running around!!

  5. YAY... I already said it via email but YAY!!! Congrats! So exciting!!

  6. PS... I love the baby and you updates that you and Nicki have going on. If I ever have another, I am going to have to steal that site. SO FUNNY!
