Wednesday, March 10, 2010

“Where’s The _______??”

This is Ryder’s favorite game to play.  Every room we go in there are certain things he points at and we tell him what they are.  Until finally, the tables turn, and we can ask him where those things are and he will show us!  So here is “Where’s The _____” Kitchen Edition!

The Flag, The Bees, The Bears, and Big Buck…all pictures of things we have hanging around the kitchen…and all things that Ryder has memorized!  What a smart little guy.


  1. AWWW he's such a smart little guy and not even a year old yet, whew!!!

  2. Aw that was so cute! I love how he points :)

  3. He knows where everything is, lol!! Little smarty pants :)

  4. This is the most adorable thing ever!!! You are so smart Ryder!!!
