Tuesday, March 23, 2010

1yr Dr. Appt

Ryder had his 1 yr appointment yesterday with his Pediatrician.  He was supposed to get shots but we decided to delay them until next week since he’s being put to sleep for an MRI on Thursday and we didn’t want to run the risk of him getting a fever.

Ryder weighed 18 pounds 2 ounces!!  Still only in the 3rd percentile for weight!  And he was 29 inches long which is the 35th percentile for height.  So he’s still small, but he continues to grow, so that’s a good thing!

I’m extremely happy to report that Ryder has finally caught up in every area of development that he was behind in from being a preemie!  I was able to answer YES to all of the questions in the Problem Solving Skills & Fine Motor categories which he has always lagged behind in.  Now the only area that needs work (the answer to all of these questions was NO) is Gross Motor.  He’s working hard in therapy though and will catch up eventually, especially after we get some answers from the MRI results.

The appointment went great, he was cleared for anesthesia on Thursday and everything…but then at the very end they had to do a routine finger prick to check his iron levels and make sure he’s not anemic.  Well, you guessed it, the number came back extremely low.  They ended up doing full blood work on him and sent it out, they were supposed to be calling me back today with the results, but no such luck.  All I have to go off of right now is that they want the level to be atleast 10.5 and Ryder’s was 6.6…my inner hypochondriac could come up with 50 things this could possibly mean, but I think I’ll just pray that they call me in the morning with some good news!

Still no camera…so no pictures of the most handsome 1 yr old I know…sorry to disappoint!  


  1. Ugh, I know how stressful it can be waiting on those calls from the Dr. Don't they know that us Mommies worry?! :) But I'm sure everything will be great - praying for you guys over the next few days!

  2. What a strong little man! You are in our prayers for good results.
